King's Business - 1935-02


February, 1935

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Socialism , Communism , Fascism “ THREE UNCLEAN SPIR ITS L IKE FROGS”

BAUMAN California

B y LOU IS S, Long Beach-

missions “ all extension, all creation of new chapels, and all active proselytizing” in Cambodia and some other terri­ tories over which the tricolor floats. It remains for Social­ istic Mexico to forbid in its schools all Bible study, the teaching of any religion by a Christian minister, and even grace before meads. In Mexico, you are no longer sup­ posed to thank God for anything— thanks to the denizens o f atheistic midnight! W,ith the growth of “ Socialistic” ideals in our own country, the non-Christian forces ascend to the greatest power they have ever wielded since the Pilgrim Fathers landed upon our shores over three hundred years ago. The Bible is being discarded in our schools, and practically so in our pulpits; the family altar disappears from our hearthstones; the saloon keeper sets up his business in marts he never before was permitted to enter; the harlot (who always offers her wares next door to the rum- seller) again flares forth her red light; the foul cigarette for the first time pollutes the breath o f our “ respectable” young womanhood; and the devil distends with glee, and his cohorts rejoice and make merry! California goes to the polls and gives nearly a million votes to a Socialist who, in his famous book, The Profits o f Religion (p. 282), wrote: “ From that time [ a . d . 365] on, Christianity has been what I have shown in this book, the chief o f the enemies o f social progress. From the days o f Constantine to the days o f Bismarck and Mark Hanna, Christ and Caesar have been one, and the Church has been the shield and armor of predatory might.” A writer o f no less caliber than Walter Lippmann states in his book, A Preface to Morals : “ The irreligion o f the o f the modern world is radical [by which he means Socialistic] to a de­ gree for which there is, I think, no counterpart.” Again, he says: “ This is the first age, I think, in the history o f mankind when the circumstances o f life have conspired with the intellectual habits o f the time to render any fixed and authoritative belief incredible to large masses of man.” Thus, as Socialism comes in the front door, faith in God goes out the back door. Socialism seeks to save the man, but insists on killing the Christian. C o m m u n i s m ? G o d l e s s ! The Communist joins with the Socialist to affirm: “ Christianity is the greatest obstacle to the progress o f mankind; therefore, it is the duty o f every citizen to help wipe out Christianity” (cf. Burden o f the Children, by Agnes Graham, Hon. Sec., Children’s Faith Crusade). Communism, in the main, is Bolshevistic, favoring “ the dic­ tatorship of the proletariat” for the carrying forward o f the full Marxian Socialist program. All the world knows that modern Communism is avowedly and officially atheis­ tic. Where Communism reigns, the souls o f men walk in rags. Nor do their bodies fare much better. The Communistic hatred for Christ, the world around, is nothing less than diabolical. “ The Internationale o f Free Thinkers, which operates outside o f Russia, has as its emblem an athlete straining to smash the cross upon which the Crucified is nailed head downward” (The Dawn,

“ Unclean” and— Godless! L et u s alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus K | o f Nazareth?” (Lk. 4 :34 ). A fitting cry, indeed, for unclean spirits in the presence of the One altogether pure! As it was when Infinite Holiness became flesh and walked the earth nearly twenty centuries ago, so it will be when He comes again. “ Three unclean spirits like frogs” — Socialism, Communism, Fascism— all anti-God, all anti- Christ, all anti-Holy Ghost— all unite in crying: “ Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ?” S o c ia l ism ? G odless ! Only yesterday, men everywhere were inflated with the pride o f their accomplishments. They politely bowed God out o f His universe. “ The theological age is a thing o f the past. We are now in a predominantly sociological and economic era,” writes the Jew, Rabbi Edward L. Israel ( Opinion, November, 1934). But, friend Israel, the theo­ logical age cannot be a thing o f the past until the God of Israel is a thing o f the past! And that is not quite y e t! These modernizers remind us o f the old colonel, who, crossing a large lake by boat one dark night, ordered his negro oarsman to keep pulling in the direction o f a certain bright star. Meanwhile, the old colonel in his end o f the boat fell asleep. The colored man shortly was heard crying: “ Massa! Massa! Wake u p ! Gib me ’nuther sta’ ! Alt’s done sailed pas’ dat one!” The trouble with our dizzied, bedazzled and befuddled old world is that it thinks it has sailed past the Star. It has lost the way because it has lost the Way. Men have grasped the reins and turned (as they believed) the neads o f their magnificent steeds o f air, steam, and electricity to ride pompously into their Golden Age. But something suddenly crumbled. At the very gates of their goal, behold: an awful mass of wreckage! The moans of the despairing and the groans of the disillusioned, the pains o f Les Miser- ables —hundreds o f millions upon hundreds of millions, duped and degraded by materialism, fill the whole earth. Strange that the bewildered sons o f men fail to under­ stand that when the Light goes out, night comes in ! Verily, the darkness o f materialism even now covers over our mod­ ern world so thickly that it can be felt. All the boasted lights o f human invention pierce it not. As Egyptian blackness rolls in through miasmic night, strange denizens from the Stygian underworld—marked with all the pagan insignia o f that world, swastika, hammer and sickle, fasces, and whatnot— creep forth over the nations o f the earth. It was the Socialist’s god, Karl Marx, who was the first to say: “ Religion is the opium of the people.” Again, he asserted: “ The idea o f God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.” It remains for Socialistic France to challenge the right o f Almighty God to have His message o f redeeming love delivered “ to every creature” (Mk. 16:15), by forbidding to Protestant [This article is the second o f a series o f messages on this subject, brought to K in g ’ s B u s in e s s readers by the pastor o f the First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif. — E ditor .]

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