King's Business - 1935-02

February, 1935



A Wonderful Lamp Y ou have read the story o f Aladdin’s lamp, have you not? He had a won­ derful lamp which he would rub, and say, “Abracadabra,” and whatever he wished would come true. He had some marvelous adventures with his lamp—go­ ing on splendid journeys and seeing won­ derful sights. Did you ever read the verse that says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet” ? The Bible, God’s Word, is a much more won­ derful lamp than Aladdin’s. It can take you on wonderful journeys and show you great sights, far greater than anything Aladdin ever saw. Let us take our Lamp and go on one o f its wonderful sight-seeing tours. W e open the first pages o f God’s Word, and suddenly we are back in the time when there was no sun, no moon, no stars, no earth—nothing but God. Then we hear God speak, and suddenly, coming from no­ where, we see the sun shining down on a beautiful, perfect earth, and the moon and the stars hiding, ready to show themselves at night We turn over a few more pages, and thousands o f years have passed. W e are in a little home in Capernaum. A poor woman is lying on her bed, moaning and tossing, for she is very sick with a fever. W e look toward the door, and some men are coming in, a few fishermen, and Some One else—the Lord Jesus Christ—the very same One who spoke, and created the sun, and moon, and stars, and the earth, so long before. He has come to earth now, as a Man, and He is coming into this little home in Capernaum. Think of it I The One who made the stars is bending His head to come into the low door of this home of a fisherman 1 The fishermen tell Him o f the sick woman in the next room. He knew all about her, but He waited for them to tell Him, because He wanted them to learn to tell Him everything. He went to her bedside and took her by the hand, and helped her to sit up in bed. ' As He touched her, all her sickness went away, and she was perfectly well again. One more picture we may see with our Lamp today. The crowds who came to see Jesus had gone away. His friends were asleep. It was still dark—long before sun­ rise. Our Lord Jesus got up from His bed, and went out into a lonely place and prayed to His Father in heaven. You see, He had always lived in heaven, but He had left all that glory and had come to earth to die for our sins and to save us, and many, many times He would pray all night to His Father in heaven. You cannot see Jesus today, but you can speak to Him, even if you cannot see Him. You can talk to God, our Father, who lives in heaven. Just think o f being able to talk to the One who made the sun! He wants you to talk to Him, and tell Him all about your good times, and all about the things that trouble you, and ask Him for all that you need. Be sure to talk to Him tonight, and every night, before you go to bed. — Revelation. Guessing Names What Bible characters or Bible stories do the following suggest? 1. Coats o f skins. 2. A sling.

Ask Him to come in today, dear boys and girls, and then you, too, will have two birthdays and a heart washed white as snow in the blood of the Lord Jesus. Lovingly, Y o u r E dito r . Memory Work We have been memorizing a verse for each letter in the words, “ Know Your Bi­ ble Club.” We have now come to the last word, “ C-L-U-B.” Please let us know when you can repeat all the verses cor­ rectly. “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jer. 33:3). “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him” (Psa. 103:13). “Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare” (Psa. 75:1). “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Je­ hovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation” (Isa. 12:2). A Letter That Made Us Very Happy A new K. Y. B. C. member writes: “ I am ten years old. Having read the Gospel o f St. John, I would like to join the K.Y.B. Club. “I accepted Christ as my Saviour about two months ago, and I want to learn to know Him better. “Yours respectfully, “ D a l e W h it e .” How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read, and a state- ment to this effect, signed by parent or Sun­ day-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members of the Know Your Bible Club: Columbiana, Ohio: Hazel Barkley. Denver, Colo.: Elmer Baird; Richard Baker; Gordon Bauman; Albert Bonney; Charles Chris- man; William Engelmeir; Eugene Gould; James Grant; Blaine Nashold; Jack Oberg; Burt Shep­ hard; and Jack Yost (Maude Mahon, teacher). Eureka, Kans.: Helen and Myrna Cope; Geor­ gina Pearse; Ruby Thornton; and Beulah Welch (Valleria Coglon, teacher). Glenham, S. Dak.: Marjory Baer; Herbert A. Bertsch; Florence and Viola Geiszler; Carol High; Virginia Malstad; Margaret Potter; Dale E. Reimer; and Delores Salzsiedler (Ann Hollenbeck, teacher). Kalamazoo, Mich.: Johanna De Haan; Edna Kuilema; Marie Landt; and Angeline Poortenga (Mrs. Peter Vermeulen, teacher). La Grande, Ore.: Lillian Knautz (Mrs. Floyd P. Reynolds, teacher). Los Angeles, Calif . L i l l i a n Wallace. Mancos, Colo.: Gloria Cozad; Lila Lou Gal­ lagher; Audrey Holston; Rose Lance; Opal Miller; and Ethel Purdy (Elizabeth Downey, teacher). Meade, Kans.: Mary R. and Pete R. Bartel; Albert J., Alma, and Wilbert Classen; Jake Doerksen; George, Leonard, Nick, Sam, and Ted Ediger; Anna C., John C., and Margaret Friesen; Agnes M., Anna, Helen D., Helen M., Henry D., John K., and Sara Reimer; Ruby and Viola War- kentin(J. J. Gerbrand, teacher). Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada: Helen and Hubert Blanchard; Catherine and Uldene Cud- more; Elsie, Eric, and Ruth Meisbradt (Kathleen Johnston, teacher). Santa Rosa, Calif.: Gloria McHugh. Grove City, Pa.: Dale White. Haxtun, Colo. : Glen Michael.

Birthdays and Hearts

Dear Boys and, Girls: February is our shortest month, and yet it holds many important dates for those of you who are in school. Why, this is the month when the birthdays o f George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are re­ membered, isn’t it? And this is the month, too, when you have a valentine box at school and fill it with many colored hearts for your schoolmates. Yes, Febru­ ary is the month for birthdays and heartsl And these things, dear boys and girls, make me think especially o f you. There is something I’d like to know about each J u n io r K in g ’ s B u s in e s s riader—and it concerns birthdays and hearts. O f course each o f you can tell me the day and month of your birthday. Some o f you may have yours in February—per­ haps on the very days when we are remem­ bering George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. But, dear boys and girls, have you ever had a second birthday? Let us see what is meant. Your first birthday is the date when you came into your home as a child o f your mother and father, isn’t it? You had life, and could cry and move. How happy your coming made your parents! You became a mem­ ber o f the family and received a name. Yes, it was a very happy day in your home when you were born. But your second birthday—oh, what an important date it is in the life o f every boy or g irl! It marks the time when you became a member of God’s family by re­ ceiving the Lord Jesus as your own Sav­ iour, for “as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons o f God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1 :12). This second birthday, then, is the date on which you opened your heart’s door and let the Lord Jesus come in to make your sinful heart pure and white, to wash away all o f your sins in His precious'blood, and to give you the gift o f everlasting life. Your name, too, was entered in God’s fam­ ily book, “the Lamb’s book o f life.” It was then that you received a new name, the name o f “ Christian,” and became a “new creation” in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17, R. V., margin). What a wonderful date this was in your lifel You don’t wonder that I am con­ cerned about your second birthday, do you? Today is my little friend Maurine’s birthday. She is seven years old today. And yesterday the loveliest thing hap­ pened. Maurine opened her heart’s door and said, “ Come in, Lord Jesus, and be my Saviour.” He did come in ; and yesterday became her second birthday. What a happy girl she is, to be having two birth­ days ! Now if there is a boy or girl who is reading our Junior page who has had only one birthday, won’t you let today 'become your second birthday? The Lord Jesus is knocking at your heart’s door, longing to come in and be your Saviour. He is say­ ing: “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in . . .” (Rev. 3:20).

3. Jawbone o f an ass. 4. Coat o f many colors. 5. Five loaves and two fishes. 6. Pillar of salt. 7. A burning fiery furnace. 8. An ark o f bulrushes.

9. A great fish. 10. A lion’s den.

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