.February, 1935
■ 'Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE whether by life or by death.” Already the Lord’s name has been honored. In the vic torious testimony o f Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stam o f Paterson, N. J., and o f Dr. and Mrs. Charles Ernest Scott of China, the parents o f these two young martyrs, there is powerful evidence o f the Lord’s grace in the midst o f great trial. Replying to a communication from Dr. Robert Hall Glover, Home Director o f tne China In land Mission, Peter Stam and his family telegraphed this message of trust: “Deep ly appreciate your consolation. Sacrifice seems great, but not too great for Him who gave Himself for us. Experiencing God’s grace. Believe whole-heartedly Ro mans 8 :28.” “Pearson’s Sailor Work,” is seeking to bring an effective gospel witness to sea men of merchant vessels. Fellow Chris tians on ships of various nations and in the ports of Rangoon, Burma, and Fusan, Korea, assist in volunteer or full time service, distributing Scriptural litera ture among sailors. Mr. and Mrs. inary last May, is now preaching in two churches, the Lordship Community Church and the Franklin Hill Community Church, Stratford, Conn. Particular blessing has come to _ the faculty and students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles as they have witnessed the Lord’s gracious answer to prayer for Mabel M. Culter, Superintendent of Women. A serious operation in November was followed by a degree of recovery which her physician declared was clearly a result of supernatural power. Miss Cul ter returned to the Institute in January. Opal Sherier, a member o f the present senior class, suffered a broken leg and other injuries when a motor bus crashed with the automobile in which she was returning from Washington to Southern California after Christmas. She is in the Mercy Hospital at Merced, Calif., and has received permission to sing for the other patients. Alumni News C laude H. P earson , ’21, S03 South Cabrillo Ave., San Pedro, Calif., through the organization known as
Pearson (Sylvia M. Fox, ’22) have an nounced a new plan for their work with the children. John 3:16 in Japanese and Chinese will be pasted on the backs of used picture post cards given to the or ganization, and these will be distributed among the hundreds of children passing through the Los Angeles harbor. The workers at the local port are rejoicing in the Lord’s provision of a car which en ables them to reach more ships and to make contacts at hours which were hitherto impossible. J. Carl ( ’26) and Mrs. Derfelt, and Her bert and Mrs. Eby (Verna Remple, ’29), known as “ The Derfelt-Eby Evangelistic Party,” are witnessing in various Califor nia communities, seeking especially to serve in unchurched towns. Mr. Derfelt preaches, and Mr. Eby has charge o f the music. Mrs. Eby assists at the piano and with selections on the marimba. Mrs. Robert W . Imbach (Esther Yaggy, ’28), Van Nuys, Calif., is teaching a Euodia Club in the Van Nuys High School and is also assisting with the music in the Missionary Church at Van Nuys. Olive Sutton, ’33, has been teaching Bible and other subjects in connection with a home for children conducted by Robert L. ( ’21) and Mrs. Nielsen ( ’21) at Escondido, Calif. Miss Sutton is also active in the Baptist Church at Escondido. Evelyn Vartan, ’34, is continuing her preparation for Christian service and is in training in the Los Angeles County Gen eral Hospital. Marjorie Meyer, Kwanhsien, Szechwan, China (China Inland Mission), from the station which she and another young woman occupy alone, writes o f a neigh boring and quite “modern!! Chinese city and then adds: “However, here in our section, the country people are much the same as they have been for centuries, and are enslaved by idolatry, disease, and death . . . The work has been carried on here for many years and many of the peo ple are more or less indifferent to the gospel. The trouble resulting from the civil warfare may be the means o f open ing hearts and minds to the gospel.” Mrs. Louisa Hill, ’33, Mehan, Okla., is the superintendent of a small Sunday- school in the community where she lives. Cleo and Mrs. Hamner (Lucile Hill, ’33), o f Buena Park, Calif., are doing part-time volunteer work in Sunday- schools at Temecula and Vallecitos, Calif.,- under the American Sunday School Union. Clifford S. Smith, ’27, who was gradu ated from Westminster Theological Sem
The friendly spirit of the Chinese coun try-people, and particularly the devotion o f a Chinese Christian, Mr. C. K. Lo, are revealed in the story of the rescue o f the baby, told by Mr. W . J. Hanna, superin tendent o f the China Inland Mission’s work in Anhwei: “Mr. Lo was surely sent by God to Miaosheo just at the time he went. [Mr. Lo had just moved to Miao sheo, where Mr. and Mrs. Stam were mur dered, in order to help in some famine re lief work which Mr. Stam had just under taken.] He arrived with his wife and children on the Thursday night that the Reds were in Tsingteh. He and his fam ily took refuge on the hills that night, and were there without food or water until Sunday afternoon, when Mr. Lo ventured down into the village, He did not see the murders committed, but had heard what had happened. He asked about the baby, but the women were too much afraid to do more than point in a certain direction. He went into a big house that had been looted clean, and, finding his way to the innermost room, heard the baby crying and soon had it in his arms. Mr. and Mrs. Stam had spent the night in that room. When they were bound with their hands behind their backs Saturday morning and led away, the baby had to be left behind on the bed. It was warmly clothed, and had evidently not been touched during the thirty hours it must have lain there. . . . Mr. Lo and his wife and children set off with the baby for Kinghsien. On the road, Mr. Lo asked Chinese mothers to nurse the baby, which they gladly did. He says he [Continued on page 73] “New Singable Son g s” 32— With “ ISN ’T IT GRAND TO BE A C H R IS TIA N .” Twenty-Five Cents, Postpaid. “New Singable Songs Leaflet” 3 New Choruses— With “S A V E D TO T E L L OTHERS.” Ten Cents, Prepaid. T H IS SP EC IA L M AY BE HAD IN Q UANTITIES. 100— $15.00; 50— $7.50; 25— $4.00; postage extra H A R O L D A L E X A N D E R Publisher— Song Leader Box 321, Station C Los Angeles, California SPECIAL! if ordered together.. 30c •
Edward Kahale, ’21, P. O. Box 212, Waianae, Hawaii, has accepted a call from the Waianae Hawaiian Congregational Church. His previous pastorate at Na- poopoo extended o.ver a period o f more than ten years. Dyllis James, ’32, is nursing at the Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif., and rejoices in the way the Lord has made it possible for her to be free to teach a Sunday-school class of primary girls in her church. Glorified by Life or by Death F rom Wuhu, Anhwei, China, comes the word of the part which two gradu ates o f the Bible Institute of Los An geles, Laura Woosley, ’30, and George Birch, ’28, have taken in ministering to the “Miracle Baby,” Helen Priscilla Stam, the three-months-old baby whose life was spared when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stam, were murdered by Chinese communists early in December. When Chinese Christians brought the little or phan as far as-Suancheng, Mr. Birch con tinued with the party to Wuhu, a large and protected river port where Miss Woosley, designated as nurse for all China Inland Mission workers in Anhwei Prov ince, is stationed. At the time of the most recent letters from China, Miss Woosley was still having entire charge of the baby. The account o f the parents’ murder be came front-page news in many lands. Cap tured when the communists raided and looted the entire city of Tsingteh, Anhwei Province, Mr. and Mrs. Stam, who were members of the China Inland Mission, were taken from near their station at Tsingteh to a neighboring village, Miao sheo, and were killed within two days’ time. In his letter informing the Mission headquarters at Shanghai that he and Mrs. Stam and their baby daughter had been captured, Mr. Stam closed with the prayer: “ The Lord bless and guide you— and as for us, may God be glorified
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