February, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
. . .O N L Y $ 3 .0 0 W ITH O RD ER . . . G. Campbell Morgan’ s LIFE-TIME W ORK NOW COMPLETE !
E X P O S I T I O N S OF THE F O U R G O S P E L S "This master teacher unfolds the panorama of our Lord's life on earth as portrayed by the beloved dis ciples. A careful study leaves a sense upon the soul of the majesty and glory of Him, the only begotten of the Father." — Bibliotheca Sacra.
"UNEQUALLED FOR TRAINING IN EXPOSITORY PREACHING 99 Union Seminary Review (Richmond) says: ,; The Evangelical Christian says:
"Dr. Morgan is undoubtedly one of the greatest living expositors of the New Testament writings and in these books he has given us the mature and scholarly convic tions of a keenly analytical mind and a deeply devotional spirit."
"Dr. Morgan's Expository Work on the Four Gospels is without doubt the crown of his labors. Dr. Morgan has the happy faculty amounting almost to genius, of making Biblical exposition fascinating for the man in the street. For a lifetime Dr. Morgan has been studying the Scrip tures and is probably the greatest living expositor of the Sacred Word. He has done for theology what the late Sir Robert Ball did for the science of astronomy. There is hardly a page of this work that does not glow with spiritual illumination and rich interpretative sug gestions.” The Expositor and Homiletic Review OUR 4 -PAYM EN T PLAN says: " A series marked by
Religious Telescope says:
"Dr. Morgan is recognized by many as the foremost re ligious teacher of the present generation, and these works will sustain his reputation. It is characterized by a display of his striking qualities of mind and heart which have made his published works, as well as his preaching, so uni versally acceptable to Bible students."
Fleming H. Revell Co., 158 Fifth Ave., New York City Gentlemen:
originality, discernment, and spiritual insight. A vast knowledge and ex perience; enhancing it with an imagery t h a t captivates the imagina- ; i tion and holds one K spellbound."
The Christian Advocate says:
Enclosed find $3.Q0 as first pay ment on Morgan’s Expositions of the Four Gospels in four volumes ($12.00). 1 will remit the balance as follows: $3.00 in........... months $3.00 in........... months $3.00 in........... months (Please mention time required)
"Rich with surprises which illustrate the wideness and richness of Dr. Morgan's scholarship, and particularly of his remarkable incisiveness and fidelity as an interpreter of the spiritual message of the gospel."
FleiHiHg H . R e v e l l C om p an y Name N EW YORK 158 FIFTH AVENUE b o o k s t o r e s A d d ™ .
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