King's Business - 1935-02

February. 1935



uses it in Philippians 3 :14 to describe his pressing forward for the prize. 6. In verse 14, the word "happy" should be “ blessed.” Today, “happy” often conveys the idea merely of a feeling. When we “ suffer,” we may not feel very happy, but we are “ blessed” nevertheless, if we are Christians. 7. In verse 16, “ conversation’’ should be “manner o f life,” a meaning which it had three hundred years ago when the Author­ ized Version was made. The Greek word means behavior in general, not merely our talk. Golden Text Illustration John Berridge, a devoted clergyman of the seventeenth century, has one o f the most unique epitaphs ever recorded. It reads: “Here lies the earthly remains of John Berridge, late vicar of Everton, and an itinerant servant of Jesus Christ, who loved his Master and His work, and after running on His errands for many years, was caught up to wait on Him above. Reader, art thou born again? No salva­ tion without the new birth. I was born in sin, February, 1716. Remained ignorant o f my fallen state till 1730; lived proudly on faith and works for salvation till 1754; ad­ mitted to Everton Vicarage, 1755; fled to Jesus for refuge, 1756; fell asleep in Christ, January 22, 1793.” He certainly left “a reason o f the hope that was in him” (1 Pet. 3:15).— 1,000 Acts and Facts, by Pickering. Pleasing Jesus Every Day 1 P eter 3 :8-18 Memory Verse: “ Sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord” (1 Pet. 3:15, R. V .). Approach: Our story today is part of that same letter that Peter wrote to the disciples who were scattered in the differ­ ent countries. In this letter, Peter was tell­ ing the disciples how to live each day so . ( k b as to please Jesus. Lesson Story: He seek peace. He reminded them that God hears the prayers of the righteous. He said that no one could harm them if they were following after that which was good. And if they had to suffer for righteousness’ sake, he said, they should still be happy about it and not be afraid. He told them again how Christ had suffered for their sins; so if they were suffering for sins they hadn’t done, Christ also had done the same, even to being put to death. These early disciples had to suffer much more than we do. Being a Christian then meant to many of them that they were driven from their homes and country and had to flee for their lives. Yet Peter told them to do good and to hate no one and just live happily and kindly with every one. Surely if they could do it then, we should be able to live contentedly together now. This is the way to please Jesus. < w > * told t h e m not to quarrel, but to love each other; to be friendly minded to every one and never pay any one back for a m e a n thing that the p e r s o n might have done; not to speak evil, but to do good and


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a heart-shaped piece. Before pasting each piece of paper on a mirror, put a piece of colored cellophane paper on three o f the mirrors where the cut-out heart will come. This will cause the mirror to reflect a colored light.) Lesson: Mirrors can be very much like people. These I have with me this morn­ ing are so much like people that I have given them names. Before telling you their names, I want you to know that there is a candle burning back of this cardboard. The only way for you to see the light is for these mirrors to reflect it. Miss Mary is the first member o f the Mirror family to meet you, and we will let her reflect the light. The light you see is gold colored. The light which is back of the cardboard is clear and bright. This is the way with many Christians. Christ has returned to heaven, and He wants the Christians to reflect His light to others; but the light they give is often colored by the conditon o f their own hearts. Mary thinks so much about getting money that she can’t reflect the true light. This is Miss Martha. What color is the light as she reflects it ? “ Green,” you say. Yes, I am sorry that she allows envy in her heart to keep her from letting Christ shine out. When people see her, they are reminded o f how envious she is, rather than o f Christ. At first Miss Mildred Mirror looks quite pretty, but when you look at her

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Object Lesson M irrors and M isses

Objects: Four mirrors o f different sizes, a cardboard about two feet square, and a candle. (Cut pieces o f paper the size of each mirror. In the center o f each, cut out

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