King's Business - 1935-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1935

singled out Peter with the admonition to “watch and pray” (Matt. 26:40, 41). But Peter failed to heed, and he fell into temptation. He learned his lesson, and he now writes to other Christians, “ Be vigi­ lant," using the same Greek verb that Christ had used when He said to Peter, "Watch.” ________ Golden Text Illustration Every time I receive notice from a cer­ tain insurance company that a premiurn is due, a card is enclosed containing this in­ quiry : “ Are you carrying all the insurance you should for the protection of your fam­ ily?” It reminds me to ask Christians the question : “Are you increasing your inter­ est in the kingdom of Christ T’—lOOl Il­ lustrations fo r Pulpit and Platform, by Webb. The Life of Peter ( Review) 1 P eter 5 : 6 - l l ; 2 P eter 3 :14-18 Memory Perse: “In all thy ways ac­ knowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Prov. 3:6 ). Lesson 1. “Why Peter Went with Jesus.” Jesus promised to make Peter a special kind of fish­ erman. . Lesson 2. “How Lesson 4. “When Peter Did Wrong and Was Sorry.” Peter remembered that Jesus had said Peter would deny Him, and Peter was ashamed o f what he had done. Lesson 5. “When Jesus Helped Peter Try Again.” Because Peter truly loved Jesus, Jesus allowed him to be one of His disciples. Lesson 6. “When Petes Preached a Great Sermon.” Peter was no longer afraid to be Jesus’ disciple. Lesson 7. “A Letter from Peter.” Peter wrote a letter to the new followers of Jesus to encourage them. Lesson 8. “How Peter Helped a Lame Man.” Peter had something better than money to give. Lesson 9. “Peter’s Friend Helps Peo­ ple.” Philip wanted to tell the gospel story. God showed him to whom to tell it, and he did as God told him to do. Lesson 10. “ Peter Learns that God Loves Everybody.” W e are all alike in God’s sight. Lesson 11. “How Peter Was Freed from Prison.” Prayer changes things. Lesson 12. “Pleasing Jesus Every Day.” Living happily with every one pleases Jesus. ______ _ Object Lesson R e v e a l in g C h r is t Object: A toy balloon, with a small outline of a cross traced on it in ink. Lesson: How many of you think you could have a good time playing with this toy balloon? Yes, but this balloon does not want to be played with. It will tell you a wonderful truth about the Christian life. As you look at it, at first you do not no­ tice its being different from other balloons. As soon as I put a little air in, you will see that there is an outline of a cross on it. This cross reminds us o f Christ. The P e t e r P l e a s e d Jesus.?' P e t e r be­ lieved t h a t Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Lesson 3. “W h y Jesus Washed Pe­ ter’s Feet.” Peter must learn to be humble as a servant.

GIFTS from Foreign Lands for Church or personal use. Hand-work of Chinese Chris­ tian boys and girls supporting largest orphans' home in the Orient . . . Sunday School Classes and Societies profitably act as our agents. Aid us with your prayers and efforts. Full information gladly sent; write today. HOME OF ONESIPHORUS American Office Drawer II, 3131 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

more air I put in, the larger the cross be­ comes, and the more easily it can be seen. In the Bible, Peter tells us that we should “grow in grace, and in the knowl­ edge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” W e have often wondered what is meant by growing in grace, and why we are told to do so. When we grow in grace, we become more like Christ. When the balloon stops growing, the cross does, too. When a Christian stops growing in grace, he cannot increasingly reveal Christ. If I let some of the air out o f the bal­ loon, it becomes smaller, and the cross be­ comes smaller, too. What a shame it is for a person to shrink spiritually, for when he does, the world cannot see much of Christ. The Lord is most pleased with His chil­ dren when they are constantly growing in grace, because He knows that they will be better able to reveal Christ to others. The Faith of Russian Christians Many o f the Lord’s dear children, while undergoing severe persecution in Russia, are witnessing a good confession to their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Officially, Russia may brazenly renounce God; never­ theless, among her sons and daughters there will ever be some who will not deny Christ their Saviour. From Peter Deyneka, General Director o f the Russian Gospel Association, 2109 LeMoyne Avenue, Chicago, 111., comes this w ord: “ If you would like to use the following excerpt telling of the revival on the bor­ ders o f Russia—where the door is wide open—you may do so.” The letter is headed “ On the Russian Border, October, 1934,” and reads: “My dear Christian Friends in America: “ I want to let you know that with God’s help I held twenty-nine meetings last month, with a large crowd of listeners. I went from village to village and had won­ derful meetings where many souls came to Jesus. In some places the people could not get into the building, because it was so overcrowded. Many o f the people walked as far as fifty miles, one way, to attend the gospel service. I find that people here are very hungry to receive the gospel mes­ sage and are much interested in the plan of salvation. “J------------- M-------------.” From Soviet Russia, in September, 1934, another Russian Christian wrote to Mr. Deyneka: “ Our prayer house just finished being repaired. On September 2, we had the Lord’s Supper, and your letter came just in time. W e are in the midst o f sorrows and .suffering—and are still praising G od! Please pray for us that God will give us strength to stand against the wiles of the devil. - ■ , “ N Such believers, and others who may be won through their witness, should have the prayer support o f every Christian.

A CRY FOR HELP FROM THE ...RUSSIAN FIELD... Many native Russian Gospel Preachers are appealing for help to relieve their suffering, to enter open doors with the Gospel of Christ, and to bring spiritual relief to the needy Russian Field, the only effective method to stop the ris­ ing tide of atheism and radicalism. The RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION is now support­ ing native missionary-evangelists on the Borders of Russia and also helping suffering preachers in the Soviet Union. Others are ready to go if the means are provided. Dr. Bob Jones, Evangelist, who visited the Russian Mission Field in October, 1934, sent us the following radiogram message: “ CONFERENCE SENDS GREETING. TELL CHRIS­ TIAN FRIENDS THEY MUST SUPPORT THIS WORK. IT'S W’ONDERFUL.'' Will you answer this cry with your prayers and contributions? Address all communications to the RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION. 2109 LeMoyne Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. (Write us for Russian News Bulletin and the Missionary Penny Bank— free.) Executive Committee and Advisory Council: Rev. Peter Deyneka, General Director Dr. Paul W. Rood, Chairman Mr. Geo. A. Benson, Executive Secretary and Treasurer

Dr. Arthur I. Brown Mr. C. B. Hedstrom Mr. M. D. Plunkett Rev. W. W. Ayer Rev. A. J. Bard Rev. Walter J. Bartz Dr. W. E. Biederwolf Rev. G. D. Blomgren Rev. Ernie Brown Rev. Emil Burk Dr. J. O. Buswell, Jr. Rev. ’James W. Davis Rev. Howard W. Ferrin Dr. Norman B. Harrison Dr. B. J. Heetderks Rev. Harry Herring

Dr. W. B. Hogg Dr. H. A. Ironside Dr. Bob Jones Rev. H. W. Lambert Rev. Roy L. Laurin I. H. Linton Rev. W. H. Lugibihl Rev. O. E. McCracken Rev. Peter MacFarlane Dr. Mark A. Matthews Dr. Louis R. Patmont Rev. Frank L. Reetzke Dr. W. H. Rogers Dr. B. H. Shadduck Rev. A. A. Smith Rev. E. G. Zorn



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