T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
February* 1935
Hymn—“Take My Life, and Let It Be.” Scripture—1 Timothy 4:12-16. Solo—“ I Would Be Like Jesus.” Leader’s Message. Three-minute talks on the following subjects: 1. Bible Study (v, 13). 2. The Quiet Hour (v. 15).. 3. Power o f Example (vs. 12, 16). Hymn—“I Am Thine, O Lord.” Benediction—Hebrews 13:20, 21. Meditation on the Lesson “Managing ourselves” is an impossible task in our own strength, but if we “yield” ourselves “ unto God, as those that are alive from the dead,” He will manage us. And as He directs and controls us, we will hear His gentle voice saying, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” In our passage for today, we have sev eral of these commandments. If we love our Lord, we will want to keep them. There are nine imperatives here. W e will
gives the same picture in His delineation o f the two builders, one on the rock, and the other on the sand. One shall be saved; the other shall perish. “ Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” What will you b e : “tree” or “chaff” ? Leader’s Helps I. T he F irst P salm What Jerome saith on St. Paul’s epis tles, the same may I say of this psalm; it is short as to the composure, but full of length and strength as to the matter. This psalm carries blessedness in the frontis-. piece; it begins where we all hope to end; it may well be called a Christian’s guide, for it discovers the quicksands where the wicked sink down in perdition, and the firm ground on which the saints tread to glory.—W. G raham S croggie . II. T he U ngodly —A S tudy P salm S3 1. Their creed—“no God” (v. 1). 2. Their character—“corrupt” (v. 1). 3. Their achievements—“a b o m i n a b l e works” (v. 1). 4. Their failings—“ none that doeth good” (v. 3). 5. Their treatment of the godly—“eat up my people” (v. 4). 6. Their neglect of prayer—“have not called upon God” (v. 4). 7. Their distress—“in great fear” (v. 5). — H enry T horne . III. T he O utcome of C rime Absalom’s story [2 Sam. 15-18] is a wonderful Bible example that proves that crime does not pay. His career teaches us that “the way of transgressors is hard” ; that the success of the wicked is short; and that he is “ like the chaff which the wind driveth away.” Sin is sometimes at tractive at first, but at last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. No failure is so terrible as the failure o f a life ; no ruin is like the ruin o f a soul; the death o f the wicked is lighted by no ray o f hope; they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.— A mos R. W ells . IV. K ing S aul ’ s U ngodly W ays When Saul forsook God, then necessa rily there was a separation between him and God, and an evil spirit took the place in his heart o f the Spirit o f God. W e see no signs o f God’s doing anything directly to hasten Saul’s doom. Saul was left to work out the natural results of an evil heart and a life guided by passion and selfishness without the help and direction o f God. He spent his time in hunting Da vid instead of overcoming his enemies. His army lost courage. He spent his force in envy and passion instead o f in managing his kingdom. And in the last great battle, he was weakened and worn by spending the night in consulting a witch instead o f in preparation for his work. Thus he perished miserably by suicide at last. “They eat o f the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices” (Prov. 1:31).— P eloubet . MARCH 17, 1935 Managing Ourselves 1 T imothy 4:12-16 Suggextions for the Meeting Hymn—“Just as I Am, Thine Own to Be.” Hymn—“Moment By Moment.” Prayer Circle—Devote about fifteen minutes to sentence prayers, urging many to take part.
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