February, 1935
He chose this path for thee— What needst thou more? This sweeter truth to know That, all along these strange bewildering ways, O’er rocky steeps, and where dark rivers flow, His loving arms will bear thee “all the days”— A few steps more, and thou thyself shalt see This path is best for thee. — S elected . G uidance For those who are “ children o f God” (John 1:12, R. V .), “justified by faith" (Rom. 5:1), the Word o f God gives assurance o f guidance for every circum stance of indecision. Commenting on the general subject of the believer’s guidance, and the promise in Isaiah 58:11, C. E. Par sons asks and answers the following questions: I. H ow ? 1. By His voice (John 10:27). 2. With His eye (Psa. 32:8). 3. With His counsel (Psa. 73:24). 4. By His presence (John 10:4). 1. Into the way o f peace (Lk. 1 :79). 2. Into all truth (John 16:13). II. Where? 1. Grateful acknowledgment of past and present guidance (Prov. 3 :6). 2. Committing o f the way to Him (Psa. 37:5). III. G uidance for C hoices “ Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose.” At first we want to be con scious that we are guided by God, but as we go on, we live so much in the con sciousness of God that we do not need to ask what His will is, because the thought of c h o o s i n g any other will never occurs to us. If we are saved and sanctified, God guides us by our or dinary choices, and if we are going to choose what He does not want, He will check, and we must heed. Whenever there is doubt, stop at once. Never reason it out and say, “ I wonder why I shouldn’t.” God instructs us in what we choose. — O swald C h am bers . IV. S afe G uidance At a certain English port, the harbor lights are so arranged that when the pilot of an incoming vessel sees them all in line, shining as one light, he knows the vessel is in the deep water channel which will lead him safely into the harbor. Keep ing these lights in view, he pilots the vessel into the harbor, however dark the night. Similarly, when the teaching o f the Word o f God (Psa. 119:105), the inward impulse o f the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6), and the outward circumstances o f providence (Gen. 24:12-27) all combine to point in one direction, the waiting servant may “go forward” (Ex. 14:15), well assured that he is in the right channel.— P ickering . V. P ractical D irections for G uidance 1. Our motives must be pure (Lk. 11: 34). 2. Our will must be surrendered (John 5:30). 3. We must seek information. 4. W e must be much in prayer. 5. We must wait the gradual unfold ing of God’s plan in providence. —F. B. M eyer . III. How long? 1. Continually (Isa. 58:11). 2. Unto death (Psa. 48:14). IV. The Conditions?
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