King's Business - 1935-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1935

MARCH 31, 1935 Why Join the Church? E ph esian s 1:22, 23 ; 2:19-22 Suggestions for the Meeting

no salvation? I do not ask you where you go on Sunday ; I only ask, “Do you be­ long to the one true church?” Where is this one true church? What is this one true church ? What is this one true church like? What are the marks by which this one true church may be known? You may well ask such questions. Give me your attention, and I will provide you with some answers. The one true church is com­ posed of all believers in the Lord Jesus. It is made up of all God’s elect—of all converted men and women—of all true Christians. In whomsoever we can discern the election of God the Father, the sprink­ ling o f the blood of God the Son, the sanctifying work o f God the Spirit, in that person we see a member of Christ’s true church. It is a church o f which all members have the same mark. It is the only church which possesses true sanctity. This is the only church which is truly apostolic. This is the church which does the work o f Christ upon earth. This is the true church to which a man must be­ long if he would be saved. Oh, join this church 1 — B ishop R yle . II. A n O bject L esson A minister had in his congregation a true believer who claimed he could be just as good a Christian without uniting with the church as if he did. All argu­ ments were useless. One day when the minister called on him, he found him sit­ ting before an open fire. Without saying a word, the minister took the tongs and picked up one coal and laid it by itself. At first a glowing red, it gradually lost warmth and color, and finally was cold and dark. The man said to the pastor, “I see your point. I need contact with other Chris­ tians. I’ll unite next Sunday.”— S elected . III. W h y J oin th e C h u r c h ? 1. For fellowship among believers (Heb. 10:25). 2. For encouragement in the life of faith (Acts 4:24; cf. 4:31). 3. For edification through instruction (Eph. 4:11-13). —M. G. G. W e have to learn at some time that we cannot depend upon material things and upon people for our happiness. I am “this side o f forty” and, all in the twinkling o f an eye, was deprived of hus­ band, home, and most o f my worldly pos­ sessions. Timid and afraid, I went to live with relatives. They were good to me. But I took stock o f my resources, and decided that I must live independently. I moved to the Willard Hotel. It occu­ pies the north wing of the Bible Institute building. I have lived there for a year, and I am perfectly happy. Mr. F. B. Harrison, manager o f the W il­ lard Hotel, one of the kindliest of men, is ever looking after the comfort of his guests. Many times he has written per­ sonal letters to the relatives of guests who were_ ill. One old man was taken to the hospital, but up to the time that he left the hotel, Mr. Harrison was in his room ad­ ministering to his wants and giving him comfort and cheer. Whoever lives at the Willard may enjoy the hospitality and freedom that is gener­ ously offered. What is more, one will be happy there, and safe. A Guest’s Appreciation B y M abel S teward

Hymn—“ I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord.” Hymn—“ Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still.” : Hymn—“ Glorious Things o f Thee Are Spoken.” Sentence Prayers—Brief but earnest. Hymn— “The Church’s One Founda­ tion.” Scripture—Ephesians 1:22, 23 ; 2:19-22. Duet—“ Saved by Grace.” Testimonies—“What the Church Means to Me.” Urge many to speak. Leader’s Message. Quiet Hour. Hymn—“Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” Benediction—Jude 24, 25. An alternate suggestion might be to ar­ range an unusually attractive musical pro­ gram with many varied numbers. Then you might invite as many young people as possible—especially those who are not church members—and ask your pastor to talk to the Society about the advantages and value o f joining the church, stressing also the only basis for church membership —saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Meditation on the Lesson The little book o f Ephesians reaches the high-water mark of revelation. Paul is telling to the church what the Holy Spirit has made known to him by revelation. To him “ was made known . . . the mystery . . . Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons o f men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and proph­ ets by the Spirit” (Eph. 3 :3-5). The Apostle Paul was given the great task of teaching the wonderful truth that the church is not an organization, but an organism, a living body o f which Christ is the controlling Head. In two brief verses, Ephesians 1 :22, 23, we find this great mys­ tery stated. No message is o f more vital importance to the believer than this one. In the great discourse on the vine, the Lord Jesus emphasized this oneness: “I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit” (John 15:5). _Looking a moment at the figure in Ephe­ sians 2:20, we read that believers “are built upon the foundation o f the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” Zechariah also speaks o f a headstone that is to be brought forth with shoutings (Zech. 4:7). And the whole building grows upward into Christ, the crowning and all-deter­ mining Capstone o f the building. The only model of such a headstone we find in those marvelous structures o f ancient Egypt, the pyramids. The only building in the world that has a headstone which is in itself a perfect pattern and model of the whole building is the pyramid. In this consists its uniqueness. The measurements and proportions of the headstone control the whole structure. Likewise, Christ is the Headstone of the church, and we grow up into a holy temple in Him “ for a hab­ itation of God in the Spirit” (Eph. 2:22, R. V .). In the light o f this relationship, we should ask ourselves, “ Is He making o f me a stone fit for this temple as I yield to His working?” Leader’s Helps I. T he T rue C hurch Do you belong to the one true church —to the church outside of which there is

The Ideals o f Frances S . W illard are upheld by TheWillard Hotel At a moment when the average city hotel is planning new outlets for liquor sales in bars, restaurants, and cafes, WILLARD HOTEL, located in the well- known BIBLE INSTITUTE block, reaf­ firms its allegiance to the principles of the great American educator, reformer, and first president of the WORLD’S WOMAN’S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. Through the kindness of a friend, a beautiful and lifelike portrait of Miss Willard has been hung over the desk of the Hotel. We take pleasure in repro­ ducing the above for the benefit of all readers of THE KING’S BUSINESS. WILLARD HOTEL is being conducted as an orderly Christian hostelry in the center of a great city. It caters to Chris­ tian men and women who value such sur­ roundings. Just around the corner from shopping and business district. Next to CENTRAL PUBLIC LIBRARY and Park — very quiet for downtown Hotel. Fire proof construction. Rates as low as 75c per day, $4.00 per week. Rooms with bath no higher than $30.00 per month. We cordially invite you to be our guest while sojourning in Los Angeles. H O T E L W I L L A R D 536-540 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. TRinity 9941 F. B. HARRISON, Manager

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