King's Business - 1935-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1935

Twin Evils The subject of prohibition is widely and variously discussed these days. Christian people especially are warning against the evils of strong drink. Fewer individuals are concerned about the dangers of the to­ bacco habit. Mrs. Nellie S. Harriss, 5201 Irvington Place, Los Angeles, distributor o f attrac­ tive and unique cards which call attention to the truth of Christ’s second coming, states the present danger succinctly: “Mr. James A. Walton, Superintendent of the Anti-Cigarette League, has for years been making a valiant and almost single- handed fight against tobacco among the youth of Southern California. He has made some effort to get this cause recog­ nized in the political arena, but he has al­ ways been handicapped by the so-called priority of the Temperance cause. I say he should be relieved of this handicap. The twin evils o f alcohol and tobacco should be acknowledged as twins.” FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from page 57] picked out the younger women and those who looked healthy. On arriving at King- hsien, they bought Lactogen, and Mrs. Lo prepared the food for the baby. She had been in the Wuhu hospital when one of her children was born, so had a good idea o f how a foreign baby should be cared for. They rode sedan chairs to Suancheng, and Mr. Lo and Mr. Birch brought the pre­ cious darling on here. [Wuhu]. It is a wonderful baby. ‘The Miracle Baby,’ we call it. Dr. Brown has examined it, and it seems to be in perfect condition; it sleeps well and is easy to care for.” In this same city o f Wuhu, Nathan * ( ’29) and Mrs. Walton (Lois Whipple, ’29) have been stationed for the past three years. Due to the disturbed conditions in the province, Elden C. ( ’24) anjl Mrs. Whipple ( ’29) have been summoned to Wuhu from Hwoshan, Anhwei. “May God be glorified whether by life or by death.” This heart cry of the young missionary who, with his wife, was chosen to glorify God through martyrdom, is a prayer that echoes in the hearts of many others o f the Lord’s faithful wit­ nesses in China. In the granting of this petition, the Lord in gentleness sometimes reminds His children: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” And the trusting Christian replies: “As for God, his way is perfect.” In all His dealings, His glory will shine forth. Married H. Lewis Coates, ’31, and Helen Ritten- house, December 30, San Diego, Calif. Ralph M. Hetrick and Dorothy M. Walma, ’32, October 8, Chicago, 111. Bom To Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Stevens (Ruth Wyant, ’32), a son, David Richard, De­ cember 24, Long Beach, Calif. With the Lord S. J. T. Williams, a member of the Bible Institute’s student body in the earliest days of the school’s ministry, was called Home from Abilene, Tex., on De­ cember 16, after several months o f illness. Mr. Williams had spent many years in evangelistic, rescue mission, and pastoral work.

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D r. C . I. Scofield’s Question Box. Compiled by Ella E. Pohle. This important book consists o f hundreds o f answers (with their respective questions) given by D r. Scofield in his p e r s o n a l correspondence. Cloth binding ____________________ ..........___ $ 1 .25 Scofield Bible Study leaflets. Series of B ib le L e s s o n s . Series N o. I, II, III, each ........................ ........................................2 0 c

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Greeting Cards! Appealing sentiments with added feature of Scripture Texts. “ Sunshine” Easter Assortment in attractive box, 12 beautiful folders and cards with envelopes, sells for 50c. “Every-Day” Assortment (birthday, congratula­ tion, ‘get well’ cards, etc.) in ‘bluebird-for-happiness’ box, 12 lovely folders with envelopes, sells for 50c. No values to equal these. Order samples— big sale and generous profits waiting. # Mottoes, Books & Bibles and Other Fast-Selling Specialties Sell the largest, choicest and most varied line of popular priced mottoes for the home. New framed “ Bits-O-Sunshine” Mottoes sell on sight. You make to 100% profit. Hundreds of Christian people are spreading the Gospel with Christ-honoring specialties while earning money for religious purposes or personal need. Be your own boss. Any territory yours for part or full time. Special catalog and details for Representatives, FREE. Best selling season NOW! Write today. Address Dept. A-20. GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY, Anderson, Indiana

HELPS FOR PREACHERS AND TEACHERS B y P au l Satisfaction’s Price M icah 6 :6 -8

P richard 3. Heathen sacrifices, no matter how costly to the person offering them, can never pay the price o f a full satisfac­ tion. a. The prophet advances the cost to- the utmost limit. b. He pronounces even it insufficient. 4. God requires a perfect righteousness to- pay the price o f a full satisfaction. a. That perfect righteousness includes :: b. Jesus Christ has: (1) Wrought out that perfect: righteousness in ’ His own obe­ dience. (2) Imputed that perfect right­ eousness to His people. The Ministry in Action 1 C o rin th ians 9:22 I. A Ministry Suited to A ll: 1. Occasions. 2. Men. 3. Methods. II. A Ministry With: 1. A single objective. (1) Absolute justice. (2) Infinite mercy. (3) Complete humility.

The great question before God’s prophet, in this sadly abused and misrep­ resented portion of the Scriptures, is : What is the price of a full satisfaction for the debt o f the sinner’s guilt? When one sees (1) God’s original pur­ pose for man in creation, and (2) the depths to which man has fallen in guilt, he asks that question with Micah. Micah answers the question as follow s: 1. Heathen sacrifices, no matter how sin­ cerely offered, can never pay the price of a full satisfaction. a. Some have thought that Micah is speaking o f Israel’s sacrifices o f­ fered according to the law, but of­ fered with hypocrisy. But Micah speaks purely o f heathen oblations, and they are offered sincerely. b. Modernists have held that Micah speaks o f all sacrifices. He most certainly does not. 2. Heathen sacrifices, no matter o f what character, can never pay the price of a full satisfaction. Sacrifices range in character according as they approach God as: a. A creature doing homage to his Creator. b. A sinner doing satisfaction before his God.

2. A suffering objective. 3. A soul-saving objective.

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