King's Business - 1935-02

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


February, 1935

“ He died, He lives, He reigns, He pleads; There’s love in all His words and deeds; There’s all a guilty sinner needs For evermore in Jesus.” — B . M c C a l l B a r b o u r . Pray that the sufficiency o f Christ’s comfort may be made real to those who carry a burden of shame and sorrow be­ cause o f loved ones who have fallen into sin. MARCH 12 An Enlarged Vision "W e would see Jesus” (John 12:21). The vision of Jesus opens to us a new horizon and a new world, and gives us new eyes to see things to which we were blind before. What a petty world the man of earth lives ini His money, his family and friends, his food and clothes, his little competitions with other earth­ worms for a bigger share o f the slime— and that is all. His horizon is bounded by the grave. . . . But what a larger world we enter into after we see Jesus. He takes us into His world and gives us eyes to see it. What new interest, affections, joys, hopes, and occupations come to us, so that we can truly say, “ Once I was blind, but now I see” 1 . . . Beloved, has that vision come to you?—A. B. S im p s o n . Pray fo r the unevangelised millions in all parts o f the world. Ask that the gospel may be taken speedily to an unexplored region in the interior highlands o f New Guinea, where approximately 200,000 savage people live, who have never had any contact with the outside world. An Australian government anthropologist re­ cently discovered that the region was populated. MARCH 13 The All-Prevailing Name “ The name o f the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” (Prov. 18:10). The secret of victory in the moment of temptation is instant faith in Jesus. The sword of our own effort is worthless; the shield o f our own determination is vain; our own anything will fail us. What is needed is the power o f Jesus. This is ours by instant faith in Him for it. Tempta­ tion may be so sudden that there may be no time for prayer, or for the use o f a number o f words. Nor are many words necessary. One will suffice—this one, used in faith: “Jesus” ! Let it be a hahit o f life to believe in the victorious power of the Lord Jesus in the moment o f His people’s need; and then, when the trial comes, let there be the exercise of this full trust, while His own blessed name is used for our instant defense. ■E—J. T. W ren ford . Praise God that you enjoy victory through Christ. MARCH 14 The Distinguishing Mark “His name shall be in their foreheads” (Rev. 22:4). “ Name” in the Bible stands for char­ acter. A man’s name gathers into itself all that the man is. . . . The name of God includes all that is revealed o f God’s char­ acter. To us it means all that God is to us. When it says here that “his name shall be in their foreheads,” the thought is that the divine likeness is imprinted there. . . . The believer bears the image o f the Lord upon his life,' This is not some mystic mark that no one can under­ stand—it is the beauty o f holiness. . . . We

MARCH 9 Meditation

"My meditation o f him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord” (Psa. 104:34). Meditation is the soul o f religion. It is the tree o f life in the midst of the garden of piety, and very refreshing is its fruit to the soul that feeds thereon. And, as it is good toward man, so is it toward God. . . . W e ought, therefore, both for our own good, and for the Lord’s honor, to be much occupied with meditation, and that meditation should chiefly dwell upon the Lord H imself; it should be “medita­ tion of him.” For want o f it, much com­ munion is lost and much happiness is missed. “ I will be glad in the Lord.” To the meditative mind, every thought of God is full of joy. Each one of the divine attributes is a wellspring o f delight, now that in Christ Jesus we are reconciled unto God.— C h a r l e s H a d d o n S p u r g e o n . Pray fo r students o f the Correspondence School o f the Bible Institute o f Los An­ geles—more them 1,000 —scattered in all parts o f the world, that God will bless them in their meditation upon His Word. MARCH 10 God Our Defense "Thou art my hiding place; thou shall preserve me from trouble; thou shall com­ pass me about with songs of deliverance” (Psa. 32:7). “Jesus” 1 There is a practical and ex­ perimental value in the precious name, which we may all prove for ourselves. St. Francis o f Assisi would go into the quiet spaces o f the countryside, and just breathe the word “God,” “ God,” until all the won­ der and majesty of the divine Being filled his soul. And we poor sinners, who have been saved by grace, will find a satisfac­ tion and a comfort and a peace, even as we breathe the Name that is above every name. . . . Armed with such a defense, we may go forth into the troubled warfare of earthly life and find a healing balm in the stearnest trial, for the Name that is above every name will shelter us in life and comfort us in death. —L ife of. Faith. Pray fo r the League o f Evangelical Students, and for all other organisations o f Christian students, that the members may ever bear a true testimony, for the Lord Jesus Christ. MARCH 11 Evermore “ Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’’ (Matt. 11:28). Jesus is the solace, the supply, the satis­ faction for every human heart oppressed by sin and sorrow, suffering and care. Listen, then, O soul! Art thou in sin? Art thou in sorrow? Art thou wounded by the cruel treatment o f the world? Art thou misunderstood and misrepresented? Is thy spirit crushed? Is thy heart per­ plexed? Have thy oft-repeated failures cast thee down? Is life to thee a mys­ tery, a weariness, a dread? . Art thou fearful about the future? Hast thou a hunger and a thirst for something—yea, rather for Someone who will satisfy? Then listen—listen quietly, and repeat slowly the message of these simple lines: “My soul is night, my heart is steel; I cannot see, I cannot feel; For light, for life, I must appeal In simple faith to Jesus.

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