King's Business - 1935-02


February, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

drag on—tell Jesus. He will soothe and comfort, and His presence will give peace. . . . When the thoughts o f dear ones far away in danger zones distress—tell Jesus. He can reach them, and can protect, pre­ serve, and bless.— B. M c C all B arbour . Tell it to Jesus, He understands thee, Reads all the secret intents of thy heart; Foes may misjudge, and friends may mis­ take thee; He will not deal with thee but as thou art. — S elected . Pray that you may commit to God in prayer every need in your own life, and that you may be enabled to intercede for others. Ask the Lord to raise up, for the Bible Institute of. Los Angeles, a multi­ tude of prayer helpers. “ The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith o f the Son o f God, who loved me, and gave himself fo r me” (Gal. 2 : 20 ). See Him (Heb. 5 :8)—learning “obe­ dience by the things which he suffered”— not, o f course, learning to obey, but learn­ ing experimentally and sympathetically what obedience costs . . . . He emptied Himself until He had no life left. He has poured it out for us. When He cried, “ It is finished,” He gave up His spirit into the hands o f the Father. He has purchased life for sinners at the cost o f His own. . . . Have you “seen” Jesus? — P rebendary W ebb -P eploe . Praise God for the multitude o f believ­ ers, from all parts o f the world, who have seen in Christ a personal Saviour. Ask the Lord to use you — today—to win some soul. MARCH 19 The Fragrance of Christ’s Name “ Thy name is as ointment poured forth" (Cant. 1:3). Oh, what fellowship there is in the love o f Jesus 1 Here pause a little, O my soul, and meditate on the fullness of the name o f Jesus, “ for in him dwelleth all the ful­ ness of the Godhead bodily.” What a cen­ ter, what a source it isl Around it the church o f God is now gathered as its only center, by the quickening power and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit . . . But ere long, the heavens and earth shall be united by its power and glory . . . . Then shall the fragrance o f His name be wafted on every breeze, and all kindreds and tongues shall unite in that note o f praise: “ O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth.”— A ndrew M urray . Pray fo r missionaries in Bible lands, whose field o f service was the scene of Christ’s earthly ministry. MARCH 20 The Changeless One “For I am the Lord, I change not” (Mai. 3:6 ). All about us is change and decay. Our years come and go. Our loved ones and friends leave us. . . . But there is One who does not change, who cannot be affected by the changing things of time—One who re- maineth, who is always the same—our blessed Lord. . . Thus we rest in Him, the Lord who changeth not. This is the true rest of faith. Let all change, let all fail, let all disappoint—He remairieth, the never- changing Lord. Let us, beloved in the MARCH 18 He Gives and We Take

must be Christ’s here—doing His will, going where He bids us go, busy in minis­ tries o f love in His name. W e must see His face, dwell in His presence, enjoy His friendship here. W e must be Christ’s now, or we cannot enter into Christ’s home and glory hereafter. — J. R. M iller . Pray that through the Belgian Gospel Mission and other agencies, many in Europe may become gladly willing to bear the name o f Christ. MARCH IS # Thinking of the Coining One “ A book o f remembrance was written . . . fo r them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name” (Mai. 3:16). Does it not rest your heart to meditate on this name? Do you not find a beauty, shared by none other, in this oft-repeated and familiar word ? It reaches from the highest heaven to earth, from the throne to the cross; from the cross back again to the throne, from eternity to eternity. It speaks of the “yesterday” of the cross, o f the “today” of grace, and o f the “ for­ ever” o f glory. This name repeats to us that our Saviour, our Help is Jehovah Himself. . . . W e triumph in the fact that His sufferings are all over, that, in heaven at last, He has now His proper place. And shortly He shall have it on earth as well. —A. T. S chofield . Jesus, the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease; ’Tis music in the sinner’s ears, ’Tis life, and health, and peace. — C harles W esley . Pray that the thought o f Christ’s return may be to you, today, a “ blessed hope.” MARCH 16 Trusting a Great God “ Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Phil. 4:6 ). To those who have not been called upon to prove the faithfulness of the covenant- keeping God, in supplying, in answer to prayer alone, the pecuniary needs o f His servants, it might seem a hazardous exper­ iment to send evangelists to a distant hea­ then land, with only God to look to. But in one, whose privilege it has been, for many years past, to put that God to the test in various circumstances—at home and abroad, by land and by sea, in sickness and health, in necessities, in dangers, and at the gates o f death—such apprehensions would be wholly inexcusable. The writer has seen God, in answer to prayer, quell the raging of the' storm, alter the direction of the wind, and give rain in the midst of prolonged drought. He has seen Him, in answer to prayer, stay the angry passions and murderous intentions o f violent men. . . . He has proved the faithfulness of God, in supplying the pecuniary means for his own temporal wants, and for the needs of the work he has been engaged in. —J. H udson T aylor . Pray that you may fully trust God. MARCH 17 Tell Jesus “ They went and told Jesus" (Matt. 14: 12, R. V .). When friends forsake and when com­ panionships grow cold—tell Jesus. He will draw near and fill the aching void of your desolated heart . . . When, in the silent, sleepless watches o f the night, the hours

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