King's Business - 1935-02


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1935

faith in the Son o f God. It is a blessed thing to have found the entrance—the door o f life; it is a still more blessed thing to have found the way—the path o f life. What breathing is to the body, believing is to the soul. W e are to live, and move, and have our being in the living God. The life o f believing implies a life that is con­ tinually occupied with what God under­ takes to do, and to be, to His people. — S elected . Pray fo r new workers who have re­ cently gone forth in faith, under the Su­ dan Interior Mission, that their testimony may be honoring to God. A man may be a saint in any calling in life. Can you conceive o f any place in which the moral atmosphere is worse than it was in Caesar’s household? That court was as much like hell as anything is ever likely to be this side o f the bottomless pit. To mention the name of Nero who then occupied the throne o f the Caesars, is quite sufficient. The word “ Neroic” is a syno­ nym for everything that is black and hell­ ish and insufferably and unspeakably vile. And there were saints “in Caesar’s house­ hold.” God’s divine alchemy can make any soil fertile into which He drops His seed. —F. C. S p u r r . Pray that you may behave as a true fol­ lower o f the Lord Jesus Christ, under the severest testing. “He made intercession for the trans­ gressors.” What did that mean to Him? Think of what it cost Him to pray that prayer effectually. He had to pour out His soul as an offering for sin, and to cry in Gethsemane: Father, Thy holy will of love be done. Think what moved Him thus to sacrifice Himself to the very uttermost! It was His love to the Father—that His holiness might be manifest, and love to souls—that they might be partakers of His holiness. . . . And what does this mean for us, when we indeed seek to pray for the transgressors? That we too yield ourselves wholly to the glory o f the holi­ ness and the love of the Father, that we too say: Thy will be done, cost what it may; that we too sacrifice ourselves, even to pouring out our soul unto death. — A n d r e w M u r r a y . Pray fo r the desire and the ability to be a true intercessor. MARCH 26 I Know "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that dayP (2 Tim. 1 :12). I know who makes the daisies, And paints them starry bright: I know who clothes the lilies, So sweet and soft and white; And surely needful raiment He will for me provide, Who know Him as my Jesus And in His love confide. MARCH 24 Saints Tested "A ll the saints salute you, chiefly they that are o f Caesar’s household” (Phil. 4:22). MARCH 25 The Cost of Intercession “ H e bare the sin o f many, and made in­ tercession fo r the transgressors” (Isa. 53: 12 ).

Lord, draw nearer, still nearer to Him—to Him who loved us, who has washed us in His own blood from our sins. Nearer— still nearer! Under the shadow o f His wings we shall abide. —A. C G a e b e l e in . He is. not a disappointment! He is all-in- all to me— Blessed Saviour, Sanctifier, the unchang­ ing Christ is He! He has won my heart’s affections, and He meets my every need;, He is not a disappointment, for He satis­ fies indeed.— S elected . Pray fo r the faculty and business ad­ ministration o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, as well as for the thousands of past and present students—that each one may be kept “ under the shadow o f the Almighty." MARCH 21 Expectation and Consummation “ I will come again, and receive you un­ to myself’ (John 14:3). What a glorious outlook! With such a blessed hope, no longer is our ambition and our prospect limited to the confines of this poor, perishing, and passing world. In­ deed, “the world” holds little attraction for those who are faithful to Him while He is still away. Our supreme ambition is not to win the world’s wealth, nor to acquire its wisdom, nor to possess its prizes, nor to gain its applause. W e “wait for his Son from heaven” (1 Thess. 1 :10). At any moment, He may cornel Yes, at any mo­ ment . . . Today perhaps—this very day— His call may come to those who are His own: “Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away” (Cant. 2 :1 3 )..This is our ex­ pectation and the consummation o f the bliss o f all Christ’s blood-bought ones. — B. M c C all B arbour . Pray fo r the workers o f the Mimo Mis­ sion, Japan, that they may be enabled to present the message o f a crucified, risen, coming Saviour to the millions in Japan. MARCH 22 Forgiveness and Reparation “H e shall make amends for the harm that he hath done’’ (Lev. 5:16). The first step is forgiveness; the second step is reparation. I have to undo the harm that I have done because of my un­ faithfulness to God. It may mean refor­ mation in business. It may mean the de­ struction of some custom or habit which is not glorifying God. It may mean, it will mean, a reformation o f my life Godward. It may be a little thing to me, but I shall never get permanent blessing until it is done. If the Spirit of God is revealing something wrong in my life, if the finger o f God is on some stain, some part of my life which is not in accordance with His will, then, until I get that right, God will not do the next thing. —W . W . M a r t in . Pray that every child o f God may deal honestly with the matter o f sin— both with God and with his fellow men. MARCH 23 A Good Habit “ Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Prov. 29:25). Those who are kept in the power o f the risen Lord, the wicked one cannot touch. The words describe not an act done once for all—but a habit, “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord.” He lives and walks by

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