T H E K I N O ' S B U S I N E S S
February, 1935
Today more than $17,000.00 have been contributed as a result o f the blessing that God has granted to these Mission ary Dollars. The financial return, however, was not the chief benefit. By means o f the dollar letter, several thousand neyy con tributors to the Institute were discovered. It is recognized that the friendship o f these interested individuals and the prayer support that they will assuredly give are o f far greater value than the dollars and cents that were so grate fully received. There „were some critical letters^ of course— received largely from friends who did not understand the purpose o f the one-dollar enclosure. The cordial letters reproduced on the preceding pages are typical o f hundreds that have been received, showing the beautiful cooperation which the majority of recipients have given. But the dollar letter never would have been necessary if it had been possible for the Institute to assemble all its One of the most natural and Scriptural and effective methods ever used by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles for enabling its friends to contribute to its work has been the Biola Honor Roll— a plan by which at least a small amount is sent to the Institute each month, or each week. This plan was conceived several years ago, and was at once eagerly received by a number of friends as a valuable aid to systematic and regular giving. T o become a member o f the Biola Honor Roll, one agrees TO PRAY for God’s blessing upon the Bible Insti tute o f Los Angeles, and TO GIVE— as regularly as pos sible—to its support. WHY GIVE? By giving to the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, one’s gift may actually reach to the ends o f the earth, for, through its graduates, the Institute is represented op almost every mission field o f the world. Moreover, the Institute maintains a department in China, the Hunan Bible Insti tute, where hundreds of Chinese are trained and sent forth as native evangelists. By giving to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, one has a share in the work o f a great interdenominational in stitution which offers Christian training absolutely without cost to all qualified applicants. CUT OFF ON THIS L] ............ 50c a week (or month) Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California Firmly believing in the importance o f training young people for soul-winning, I hereby agree (1 ) to pray for the work o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; and (2 ) to con tribute.............................per month for a period o f three, six, ............ 10c a week ............ 25e a week
thousands o f friends— just once each month—thus enabling them to hear, from the lips of President Talbot or Dean McCreery or some o f the other members of the Board of Directors, an account of the opportunities and possibilities and needs in connection with the work o f the Institute. Such a group would have understood, would have responded. And how easily and naturally would Institute problems have'been solved, if, at the close o f such a gathering, the offering basket had been passed and the expenses of the work had been provided through a multitude o f small g ifts ! But how can the Institute assemble its friends? It cannot, except by mail. They reside in thousands o f towns and cities and in remote regions in the United States, in Canada, and in the mission fields o f the world. The dol lar letter drew them together into one vast, interested com pany ; and their whole-hearted response clearly indicated that all the needs of the Institute could be met—month by month—by means o f just such small, consecrated amounts, if they were given with regularity. W e believe the Honor Roll will solve the problem. The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles possesses no ade quate endowment nor income; it looks to the Lord to meet its needs through the freewill offerings o f thousands o f friends upon whose hearts the Spirit o f God has deeply impressed the great need o f the world for the gospel of God’s grace.' WHY GIVE REGULARLY? Do you realize that if every graduate o f the Institute, and every interested friend, would merely give a small amount regularly—EACH WEEK OR EACH MONTH— the financial problem in meeting current expenses at the Institute would be solved? The Biola Honor Roll is a convenient method o f giving to the Institute. The amount sent is a voluntary offering, which may be discontinued, reduced, or increased at any time. Even more valuable than the gifts are the prayers of the donors that rise to God on behalf of this work. There are few, if any, investments that yield a greater spiritual return. W ill you be one o f several thousand Christians upon whom the Lord can depend to send a small portion regularly—each month or each week— for the maintenance o f this work that is dear to His heart?. We are “ workers together with him.” E AND MAIL TODAY--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BIOLA HONOR ROLL $1.00 a week (or month) ..... $2.00 a week (or month) ___ $5.00 a week (or month) (Check Amount Selected•)
More than $5.00 a week (or month) Check here if coin cards are desired for convenience in mailing.
twelve ( ........................ ) months. Please place my name on the Biola Honor Roll. In reliance upon the Lord, I will endeavor to cheerfully and faithfully meet the conditions of membership.
Street No.
Date. Amount enclosed [The amount indicated may be discontinued, reduced, or increased at any time.}
If you object to cutting your magazine, a letter or post card indicating the amount you plan to give at regular intervals and your intention to pray for the BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES will be quite sufficient, and will make you-a member.
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