King's Business - 1935-02

February, 193$


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

est that He can. urge.: "Thou hast left thy first love." While full o f outward life, the inner life was steadily deteriorating. ¡.He commended them for faithfulness in :the externals, but He condemned them for un­ faithfulness in heart. This is most start­ ling, for it flatly contradicts common opin­ ion. Men’s gauge o f reality is activity. The busy man is supposed to be the good man. . . . Now this is not Jesus Christ’s method of measurement. He penetrates beneath the surface, and reaches the very heart­ strings. He values everything from love’s point of view. With Him it {s not “how much labor,” but “how much love.” “Much serving” cannot compensate for personal affection. Let us understand distinctly that our service is not necessary to Him, but our love is .—F, C S purr . Pray fo r victory fo r all who ihay be tempted to forsake Christ, their “first love." MARCH 28 The Veil of Human Weakness “Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep” (Lk. 9:32). No sooner had, our Lord taken them up there than the claims o f those poor miser­ able bodies—the weakness of the body which so many o f us feel and lament, and which keeps us back from the service of God so often—the claims o f those weary bodies made themselves felt upon the three, and “they were heavy with sleep.” 1 . . How much we lose when we allow the weakness of the body to stand between us and Christ! when we have not faith to over­ come it, and. say, “That, too, is in Christ's hand, and it shall not be a veil.” The disciples lost something because they had not faith to understand, and faith to see- — J. E lder . C u m m in g . 1 Pray that you may not plead the weak­ ness o f your body as an excuse fo r ar­ rested spiritual growth. MARCH 29 g Unconcealed “ Where art thout” (Gen. 3:9 ). It is a terrible thing to have to answer this question, “Where art thou?” when you find out the'insufficiency of all expedients to screen your conscience from the action ‘of God’s Word. Did the prodigal like to answer it when feeding the swine? Did Peter like to answer it when enjoying the cheer o f his Master’s foes, in warming himself at their fire? Did Adam like it when he remembered the position which he occupied in contrast with the one whfch he had forfeited? The answer to that question tells the state o f the conscience . , When God deals with us, we learn that “all things are naked and opened unto the eyes o f him with whom we have to do.” ■: ' I ' ' 4-J. B. S. Pray .for the searching o f the Spirit of God in the hearts o f natives of. South America among whom representatives’ of the Orinoco River Mission labor. By the light of--H is own indwelling presence, Christ keeps sin outside the re­ gion o f our consciousness. The cleansing thus brought abqut 'and realized is not a state, but a maintained condition, having no existence whatever apart from'Christ Himself. . . . While recognizing the fait that, we are not only likely, but prone,-,to sin, let uspipt forget that stronger MARCH 30 ." . ; Life in Christ “ Christ liveth” (Gal. 2:20).

I know who feeds the sparrow, And: robin, red and gay; I know who makes the skylark Soar up to greet the day: And me much more He cares for*." . And feeds with daily bread, Whom He has taught to love Him, And trust what He has said. — N ew m a n H all : : A risen Christ is the eternal proof of an accomplished redemption; and if re­ demption is an accomplished fact, the be­ liever’s peace is a settled reality. —C. H. M ack in tosh . Praise God that, as you fulfill the condi­ tions, Romans 8 :28 applies to your present circumstances. MARCH 27 Measured by Love “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love’’ (Rev. 2:4). The word “ somewhat” is not in the orig­ inal. It is not a mere “somewhat” that He has against them : His chargé is the great­

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661 Give*Devise and Bequeath . . . ” Is YOUR Will made? Many a large legacy has been lost to God’s cause by the dangerous habit o f delay. What you ■ ought to,. “ Do quickly” these swift-passing days!


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