The Estates Department
The Estates Department is led by the Director of Estates and forms part of the Bursary. The Department is responsible for maintaining and improving the school estate, including all grounds and buildings. The internal staffing of the Department comprises the Director of Estates, Projects Manager, Facilities Manager, Deputy Facilities Manager and the Building Services team, the Head of Grounds and Gardens and the Grounds and Gardens team. External consultants and contractors are brought in to supplement internal staff. On its largest projects the School tends to employ a full range of consultants with the Bursar acting as project sponsor, supported by the Director of Estates and the Project Manager. On smaller projects the School either project manages the works while using the architect as contract administrator and employing consultants according to the needs of the particular works; or may alternatively plan and deliver the project entirely in-house. Term contractors are employed for both planned maintenance and servicing and also small improvements and reactive work to electrical and HVAC plant. A large number of other contractors, controlled by the Estates Department, provide regular maintenance and servicing to other equipment and installations. All the services provided by these contractors are subject to regular tendering. Building contracts are tendered individually.
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