Surviving Injury

For the Caregiver While in the burn unit, the medical team cared for the many needs associated with the burn injury. Upon returning home, victim and survivor family members must assume responsibility for burn care. Here are some things to keep in mind: • Keep your loved one informed. Receiving good, reliable information can be difficult. Nonetheless, a victim and survivor’s adjustment is heavily dependent upon the love and support you offer them. • Be patient with the process. Physical healing takes time. Burn victims and survivors may be subjected to painful treatments for weeks, months, or even years following a crash. • Understand physical limitations. Recognize that a burn trauma victim and survivor may not be able to function in the same capacity that they once did. They may be dependent upon others or devices to complete tasks, making it difficult for them to fulfill their roles as wife, mother, husband, father, etc.

If the victim and survivor has a child or children, he or she may be separated from them for long periods of time. Keep in mind that if the burns have caused any kind of disfigurement, children might not recognize their parent or they may be fearful of their parent’s appearance. They may have been instructed by other adults not to touch the victim and survivor because touch can

As a caregiver it’s important to provide children of victims and survivors with support and information that is accurate and age appropriate.

be painful. Children might also be fearful and anxious about their parent’s ability to care for them. As an adult caregiver it is important to provide children love and support as well as ongoing information that is accurate and age appropriate.


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