Ireland Interiors Brochure


Scale: 80,000sqft Programme: 38 weeks Client: One City Square Project Manager: Paragon

Through an open and collaborative 2-stage negotiated contract, Ardmac delivered the high-end Cat A fit-out of the landmark building One City Square. During the first stage Ardmac identified the project team with the relevant experience, developed the programme, provided our OH&P and a fixed prelim cost and worked up an initial cost plan together with a risk mitigation plan. The second stage process involved early engagement through collaborative design team workshops the design was developed taking into account constructability, programme constraints, value engineering and risk mitigation. The works were undertaken in a live environment with Deloittes and two other incumbent tenants present throughout the works. Through daily communications, weekly and daily work plans were agreed to eliminate disruption and noisy works were undertaken out of hours. Dust cubes were used as part of our dust suppression plan.

Architect: Paragon M&E: Hilson Moran


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