
Educational Outreach HudsonAlpha's Educational Outreach team inspires and trains the next generation of life science researchers and workforce. The dynamic educators at HudsonAlpha reach students, educators, medical practitioners, and the community through hands-on classroom modules, in-depth school and workshop experiences, and digital learning. HudsonAlpha also provides educational op- portunities for healthcare providers and learning tools for patients who are making medical decisions using personal genomic information.

Student Experiences Field trips, classroom visits by industry leaders, summer camps, in-depth internships, and college-level laboratory courses engage students in

Classroom Kits and Digital Resources HudsonAlpha developed kits and activities to engage elementary and middle school students in hands-on experiences that match state curriculum requirements related to DNA and genetics. Multi- ple laboratory activities have also been crafted for students in grades 9-12. Activities highlight topics such as trait inheritance patterns, extracting DNA, exploring chromosome behavior in cells, diagnos- ing genetic disorders, and using bioinformatics da- tabases. Many of these resources are commercially available to classrooms around the nation through a partnership with Carolina Biological (www.Carolina.com).

biotech fields, increase exposure to career options, provide mentoring opportunities and equip stu- dents with content-specific skills.

Educator Professional Learning HudsonAlpha provides opportunities for teacher professional learning, ranging from single-day workshops to ongoing classroom support. These increase an educator’s confidence in discussing genetic concepts and terminology along with the associated ethical, social and legal issues.



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