King's Business - 1945-01



owe it to them to give them a chance . . .” “But,” I objected, “I have frequent­ ly tried that, but usually get such poor articles or service that I give it up.” “I take the time,” said the doctor, “ to teach them what I want, and how I want my work done. I get good service. Of course, it takes a little patience, but isn’t a little patience worthwhile when it is, to save the manhood and independence of a poor fellow already crippled in life’s strug­ gle?— Young People. Matthew's New Friend M atthew 9:1. 9-12 MEMORY VERSE: Jesus said, “I have called you friends” (John 15:15). AIM: To show that the Lord Jesus, who knows everything, loves us dearly. APPROACH: Boys and girls like to ' guess what another »person may be takes. He is our loving Lord Jesus. LESSON STORY: Once when Jesus was here on earth He saw a man named Matthew, whose work was to collect money from the people for taxes. The people who knew Mat­ thew “guessed? he was a bad man— and he did do things that were wrong. The Lord Jesus knew that, but He could look down deep in Matthew’s heart, and He saw that Matthew wanted to stop doing the bad things, and to love Jesus and serve Him, and so He said to him, “Follow me. And he arose, and followed him” (v. 9). Matthew was so happy to have the Lord Jesus for his Saviour and Friend that he gave a dinner that night and invited many who knew him. He asked Jesus especially to come, and He did. Matthew’s friends were like he had been—with sinful hearts, needing the Lord Jesus to make them good. There were some church people who heard about Matthew’s*dinner party./" They"said, “Why does the Master eat with sinners?” t The Lord Jesus answered something like this: “ Don’t you know that you are. all sinners, needing to be saved? (cf. Rom. 3:23). I can look into the hearts of all men, and h know when they want Me to help them. That is why I have come.” The Lord Jesus is looking into our hearts today. If we want Him, He will be our best Friend. 5 -Division thinking. S o m e ­ times they get the right answers, and sometimes t h e y don’t. There is one Person w h o al­ ways knows what is in p e o p l e ’ s minds and hearts, and He n e v e r m a k e s any mis­

Is there no hem for us to touch to­ day? Are we poorer because Christ is away? 'No, for His power and grace are just as available to men today through His Word and Spirit.


Golden Text Illustration M atthew 7:12*

"I believe I will' take home some fruit,” the doctor said as we started down the street. We passed several fine fruit stands, but he did not stop, and I began to think that he had for­ gotten. But at the last street he turned a corner, and there was the fruit stand he was looking for. It was not a very fine fruit stand, but I no­ ticed the man had an empty sleeve. While we sat on the doctor’s porch, a man who walked with a crutch brought him the evening paper. A little later, a boy hobbled across the street with a pail of milk. “There seems to be a lo t'o f cripples around here,” I remarked. , “Yes,” said the doctor, “r always give those who need it most, the pref­ erence. It may be more pleasant to trade at the places where everything is perfect. We may get a little quicker service by employing only the physi­ cally sound; but others must live, and they want to earn their bread. We

Points and Problems 1. "And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city" (9:1); Deep sadness is connect­ ed with these words. Jesus entered the ship on this occasion to go to Capernaum because He was not wanted in Gadara. Following His casting out the demons in that place, the whole city urged Him to leave. The people feared that His presence would disrupt their peace , and profit Jesus responded quickly to this request His hands were filled with blessing but, not wanted, He turned away. 2. "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick" (v. 12). This is the Saviour’s way of • saying that it is impossible for Him to do anything for the one who fails to realize his spiritual need. The Pharisees were not “whole." They only thought they were. In reality they were desperate sinners, and spir­ itually sick. But they did not. realize this, and thus they were not in a po­ sition to be helped. The most' diffi­ cult thing for preachers, teachers, and personal workers is to get people to realize that without Christ they are “ sick” unto death. 3. "And Jesus arose, and followed him" (v / 19). This is exceedingly precious. It shows the readiness of the Son of God to respond to human need. It took nothing more than a father’s broken heart to stir His love into, action. Our Lord is ever the same« Wherever there is a faith reaching out for aid, there Jesus is seen rising to minister. He delights to face impossible situations! 4. "A woman .. . came behind him and touched the hem of his garment" (v. 20). The “hem” doubtless refers to the fringe or tassel with its blue thread which the faithful Israelite was directed to wear on his outer gar­ ment (cf. Num. 15:38). The blue “ribband” was a reminder to every Is­ raelite that he was connected with heaven and should walk accordingly. How appropriate that the Lord Jesus wore the hem of blue, for He more than any other was a heavenly be­ ing. Reaching out and touching this hem of blue, a poor woman was in­ stantly healed of her disease.


By reading "W hi e n God Saved the Brewer's Boy," by Louis T. Talbot as told to Mil­ dred M. Cook. Here is a soul-stirring tes­ timony of the mighty grace of God in a family of eight children. Dr. Talbot tells of his mother's faith and prayers which brought the entire fam­ ily to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. • You will want this book for your own encouragement, and you will want to give it to unsaved loved ones. V For $2 you may receive the book and a year's subscrip­ tion to THE KING'S BUSI­ NESS. The book alone is $1. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.

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