King's Business - 1945-01

Jaïiuary, 1945


is entirely gone, and the cross of Christ takes its place.

Today we need to get rid of self, and follow Christ as did Matthew.


10 AND 11 • membered that the mere evidence of power does not guarantee that those who possess it actually belong to the Lord Jesus: Judas Iscariot was given the power the others received and the record reveals that he, like them, exercised it. The twelve, were told not to go to Gentiles, or even Samaritans, because their message concerned the kingdom promised to Israel by the prophets. Theirs was the gospel of the kingdom, or the good news that their nation would be recovered from servitude,, that it would find permanent security, and would be.established at length in the God-appointed place for it at the head of all nations. It was the good news that the kingdom would be set up on the earth. The gospel of the kingdom differs from the gospel of grace in that the good news Of God’s grace is for everyone every­ where, offering" forgiveness of sin, the regenerating presence and power of the Holy Spirit, and the certainty of a place in heaven for all those who will accept it. The credentials of the twelve and their method of operation were to be like those of their Lord (v. 8). They received freely, and they were to give freely, II. T he S ubmission of J esus (11:1, 25-27) Jesus went to preach and teach in the towns from which the twelve had come. He knew He would meet personal rejection and the refusal of His message on the part of many. But He submitted to, this treatrdent will­ ingly in order to fulfill the purpose for which He had come. When the cities in which His mighty works were performed would scorn Him and reject His message. He could say, “Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in' thy sight.” The purpose of God was still being fulfilled. Christ could look beyond all secondary mat­ ters to the primary issue. He knew it was the Father who permitted what­ ever came to Him, and He was content to have it so. What a lesson for us to learn! ' . Not only was He submissive to the Father’s will in the providences He met and in the treatment He received, but He also offered thanksgiving. He knew the divine plan could not m is-, carry; therefore He could rejoice.

M atthew 10:1 A n d w hen he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all m anner of sickne ss and all m anner of disease« 5 ' These tw elve Jesus sent forth, and’ comm anded them, saying, Go not into the w a y of the Gentiles, and into an y city of the Sa m a rita n s enter ye not: 6 B ut go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 A nd as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the le p e r s, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. 11:1 A n d it cam e to pass, w hen Je su s had made an end of com m anding his twelve disciples', he departed thence to teach and to oreach in their cities. 25 A t that tim e Je su s answ ered and said, I th a n k thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these thin gs from the w ise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. 26 Even so, Father; for so It seemed good in thy sight. f 27 A ll thin gs are delivered unto me of m y Father: and no m an know eth the Son, but the Father; neither know eth an y m an the Father, save the Son, and he to w h om ­ soever the Son w ill reveal him. 28 Com e unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and J w ill give you rest. 29 T a ke m y yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and low ly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For m y yoke is easy, and m y burden is light. G O L D E N T E X T r ^ Y e are m y friends, if ye do w hatsoever I comm and you” (John 15:14). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : 2 Tim . 2:1-13. Outline and Exposition I. T he S ervice of the T welve (10:1, 5-8) J ESUS had exhorted His disciples to pray that laborers would be thrust forth into the harvest (9:38). Now He would answer their prayer by sending them forth. He called these twelve disciples to Him and gave them power,« or authority, over all manner of human distress, even reaching to the control of demons. Not only could He do miracles Him­ self, but He had the power to enable His disciples also to perform them when a special purpose would be served in so doing. But it must be re- BLACKBOARD LESSON L E S S O N T E X T : Matt. 10:1, 5-8; 11:1, 25-30.

Object Lesson F inding F ollowers

OBJECT: A piece of white paper x 11 inches. (Fold in the middle, making the size 8% x 5%. With the fold to the right, print the word “FOLLOW” to the left of the fold, with the letters about 1% inches apart. Use a purple crayon. Between this and the left side of the paper, print a large “U” which reaches from near the top to near the bottom. Use a green crayon. Turn the paper inside- out. Again print the word “FOLLOW” in the same relative position, to the left of the fold, using a purple crayon. To the left, in the relative position of the "U,” draw a red cross, reaching from top to bottom. Open the paper with the red cross facing up, and use the letters in the word "FOLLOW” as the initial letters in the following words, which should be completed to the right of the fold: "FAITH .OBEDIENCE, LOVE, LOYALTY , ONENESS, and WILLINGNESS.” Use a purple crayon. Fold the right half of the paper back over the red cross. Cut horizontally through the “U” and between the letters of the. word “FOLLOW,” from the left side of the paper to the fold. Begin the lesson with the “U” and the word “FOLLOW” showing.) LESSON: We will let this “U” re­ mind us of Matthew, the man whom the Lord Jesus called to follow Him. Looking closely, you will notice that there is the word “FOLLOW.” Did you ever, wonder what it takes to follow Jesus? Perhaps if we unfold this paper we shall see. The first word we find is “FAITH.” Faith in Christ caused Matthew to follow. The next word fs “OBEDI­ ENCE.” God’s call must be obeyed if anyone is to follow Him. As we further open the paper, we see' that “LOVE” enters into those following Christ. “LOYALTY” is the fourth word which we discover. Have you noticed that the “U” is getting smaller? As we follow Ch r i s t , self decreases. “ONENESS” is the next word showing us more,of what it means to follow Christ. This means to agree with Him in all things. The l a s t word is “WILLINGNESS.” Notice that the “U”

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