January, 1945
the words “TRUTH TELLERS” to be 'more distinct than the other letters. Begin the lesson with the flaps open showing the names of the twelve disciples). LESSON: In these days we are thinking m»uch about honor rolls. We have before us one of the.’ greatest rolls of honor ever compiled. Some of its names you will recognize, while others you may not. We have here the names of the twelve disciples whom Jesus called. Did you ever wonder why He called men to help Him? If we fold the side flaps over these names, I think we shall see why He called them. We now see the wo r d s , “TRUTH TELLERS.” He called them in order that they might go out and tell the truth which He had given them. In M a t t h e w 10:5, 7, we read, “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and com manded them, saying, Go . .. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” It was the truth regarding the nearness of the king dom that Jesus wanted them to tell. Christ is still looking for "TRUTH TELLERS.” The truth which He wants His follows to tell now has to do with the gospel, for we read, “Go ye there fore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy. Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, Io, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:19, 20).
Christ’s call for “TRUTH TELLERS” is not only for men and women but boys and girls as well. Boys and girls have often been used by Christ as “TRUTH TELLERS” in their home, at school, and at play.
FEBRUARY 18, 1945 THE SLIPREME TREASURE M atthew 12 to 14
M atthew 13:44 A gain, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the w hich when a man hath f o u n d , he hideth, and for Joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth, that field. 45 A gain, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a m erchantm an, seeking goodly pearls: 46 W ho, w hen he had found one pearl of great price, Went and sold all that he had, and bought it. 14:13 W h en Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities. 14 A n d Je su s wervt forth, and sa w a great multitude, and w as m oved w ith com passion tow ard them, and he healed their sick. 15 A nd when it w a s evening, his disciples came to him, saying, T h is is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the m u l titude aw ay, that they m ay go Into the villages, and buy them selves victuals. 16 B ut Jesus said unto them, T he y need not depart; give ye them to eat. 17 A nd they sa y unto him, W e have here but five loaves, and two fishes. 18 H e said, B rin g them hither to me. 19 A n d he comm anded the m ultitude to sit dow n on the grass, and took the five
loaves, and the tw o fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 20 A n d they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragm en ts that rem ained twelve baskets full. * 21 A nd they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside w om en and chil dren. L E S S O N T E X T : M att. 13:44-46; 14:13-£1. G O L D E N T E X T : “ E v e ry good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and conT- eth dow n from the Fathe r of lights, w ith whom is no variableness, neither shadow of tu rn in g” (Jas. 1:17). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : Phil. 3:7-14. Outline and Exposition I. T he H idden T reasure (13:44) » HE FIELD is the world (v. 38), and Israel is God’s peculiar treasure hidden therein. God has declared that Israel shall be “ a
Ten th A n n u a l TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE January 21-28, 1945 Eight days of unusual spiritual blessing, spent in the study of God’s Word. Outstanding speakers Up-to-the-minute subjects Bible themes unfolded Christians stimulated and challenged The themes chosen by the various speakers include messages on salvation, doc trine, prophecy, practical Christian living, archeology, Christian witnessing, mis sions, and many other subjects. All are designed to meet the needs of this present day. . I ncluded as S peakers : Donald G. Barnhouw Pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia. Editor, “REVELATION.” Roy L. Brown Nationally known evangelist. Torroy M. Johnson Harry Rimmer Scientist, author, lecturer, archeologist Paul Bauman Vice-President of Bible Institute of Los Angeles. J. Renwlck McCullough Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Tacoma, Wash. H. M. Linti Bible teacher, lecturer, writer. James McGinley Evangelist, author, Bible teacher. Pastor, Mid-West Bible Church of Chicago. Director, “ Chicagoland Youth for Christ.” Herbert E. Kann Pastor, Oliver Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis
For further information write to : THE BIBLE IN ST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES
558 South Hope Street
Los Angeles 13, Calif.
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