King's Business - 1945-01

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


His "death was the supreme event for them. They had waited 16ng for it to occur, ajid now they knew it was at hand. By virtue of His perfection, Jesus could have stepped at once into heaven. Had He done so, however, He would have gone without the king­ dom and without the people He had come to save. He could have these only by the completion of His work on the cross. Peter seemed to have forgotten his great confession when he referred to the Lord Jesus as being on the same level—equal with Moses and Elijah. But while he spoke, the voice of God was heard saying, “This is my beloved Son,” which recognized His kingship; “ in whom I am well pleased,” which was God’s full ac­ ceptance of this Man as priest; and “hear ye him,” which was God’s com­ mendation of Jesus as prophet (cf. Deut. 18:15-18). Moses and Elijah had the truth; Jesus is the truth. They were shadows; He is the substance. “Hear ye him.” Points and Problems 1. "Some say that thou art John the Baptist; some, Elias; and others, Jere- mias, or one of the prophets" (Matt. 16:14). Note the high opinions men had of Christ in that day. But their opinions were limited. They made Christ no more than a great man. It was an insufficient Christ whom they comprehended. A similar situation is with us to­ day. The world is full of beautiful ideas and opinions concerning Christ. He is called the fairest flower of humanity, the climax of evolution, hr He is put on a par with Confucius or Ghandi. But such a Christ cannot save. Only the Christ o f Peter’s con­ fession has the ability to redeem, keep, and satisfy the deepest long­ ings of the human heart. 2. "Flesh and blood hath not re­ vealed it unto thee, but my Father which Is in heaven" (v. 17) i A proper appreciation of Christ and His plan of salvation is not something that man by his own unaided reason can figure out by himself. This is what Paul meant when he said, “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit, of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spirit­ ually discerned” (1 Cor. 2:14). This forever sets aside all the man-made methods of salvation so prevalent to­ day. 3. "His face did shine as the sun" (Matt. 17:2). The transfiguration scene is a preview of Christ’s future king­ dom (cf. 16:28). In harmony with this, we see the face of the King shining as the sun. He is the Sun of Righteous­ ness with healing in His wings. Paul speaks of “the glory of God in the

face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 4:6). Even during His humiliation, Christ claimed to be the light of the world. How marvelous will be that light when He comes in His gloryI Looking to that time, Isaiah says: “The Lord shall be thine everlasting light” (60:20), The Revelator sees Him in the new Jeru­ salem and says, “The Lamb is the light thereof” (21:23). How wonderful to know that one day we shall see His face and partake of His likeness! 4. "There appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him" (v. 3). The identity of Moses and Elias was recognized, although this glorious in­ cident was after Moses’ death and Elijah’s rapture. This should answer definitely the question often asked, “Shall we know each other in res­ urrection glory?” As Moses and Elijah were readily known by the disciples, so shall each saint be rec­ ognized. Oh what a day that will be when first of all we shall see Him by whose gracé we shall arrivé in heaven, and then we shall look once more upon the dear faces we have loved long since and lost awhile! Golden Text Illustration M a t t h e w 10:32 Capon Ashwell tells this incident about Frederick the Great. At W e time, one of Frederick’s most coura­ geous generals declined the king’s invitation because he had planned to receive Holy Communion the next morning. When this general was pres­ ent the next time at the royal table, the king and his guests began to -jest at him for his religious scruples, and to mock at the communion of the Lord’s Supper. Few! generals would have dared to reprimand Frederick, for it must cost his office or his life. But the old general arose, saluted the terrible king and told him respectfully but heroically that there was a greater King than Frederick, and that he never allowed that Holy One to be in­ sulted in his presence. The guests heard his words with astonishment, fearing that the general would lose his life. But Frederick showed his manhood. Iqptead of getting angry at his rebuke, he grasped the hand of the fearless general and expressed his grief that he could n o t. believe so strongly, or confess his faith so coura­ geously. We may have unbelieving or scof­ fing friends whose ridicule we fear. We., remain silent when they attack Christ or Christianity; but if we had the daring to confess Christ on such occasions, we might win them to Christ.—Warren G. Partridge. When Peter Pleased Jesus M a t t h e w 16:13-16 MEMORY VERSE: “Teach me thy way, O Lord” (Psa. 27:11).

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