King's Business - 1945-01


January, 1945

Colored Flannelgraph Stories $1.50 Series

AIM: To teach the Saviourhood of the Lord JesuL Christ. APPROACH: Do called “Who am :

you know the game ?” The person who is “it” will try to h a v e his friends guess the name of a certain person by telling about that person: w h a t , he does and says and other things about him. Somet hi ng like that happened when the L o r d

Bible Verses Visualized and How to Teach Them Volume I. A book of 13 Bible verses and 13 teaching methods. Volume II. A new enlarged volume. Bible Songs Visualized This popular book of visualized songs now 3n color. Creation and Old Testament Stories , Volume I. Creation through Jacob. 10 lessons« Volume II. Joseph through Elijah. 10 lessons. 50c Series The Christian Soldier Sampson’s Riddle Tale of Two Cities Convoys The Two Ways The Birth of Jesus The Second Coming of Christ Huihpty Dumpty Phoning Heaven Two Remedies The Lily’s Secret The Thanksgiving Story

Jesus was here on earth. LESSON STORY: Jesus said to His friends one day, “Whom do men say that I . . . am?” (v. 13). Of course everyone knew Jesus’ name, but He wanted to see whether they knew the deepest meaning of His narhe. They should have had the right answer at once, for they had seen the wbnderful things that Jesus did, and they had heard His words. The Lord Jesus had healed sick people when no one else could help them; He had fed hungry people when there seemed to be no food in sight; He had stopped a storm, and He had even raised the dead to life again. Only the Son of God could do that. But when the friends of Jesus an­ swered His question they said, “Some say that thou art John the Baptist; some, Elias; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets” (v. 14). They were all wrong! But P e t e r stepped up and said plainly, “Thou art the. Christ, the Son of the living God” (v. 16). When he said that, the Lord Jesus was pleased, for He' knew that Peter understood why Jesus had come to earth—why He had left His Father’s home' in heaven. He came because all people on earth were sinners and needed a Saviour, and Jesus was the only One who could help them. Peter had the right answer. The heavenly Father Himself had whis­ pered it in his heart (v. 17). When we receive the Lord Jesus as our own Saviour and best Friend, we make Him happy, as Peter did. Object Lesson A B right L ight OBJECTS: A powerful electric light bulb connected to an extension cord,

There was a Crooked ty[an Peter Rabbit Little Red Riding Hood Flannelboards, $3.00 up. Background. Material, $2.25 up. Write for complete catalog* . America’s Largest Flannelgraph House CHR IST IAN PUBLICATIONS, INC. . 1507 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. and several smaller bulbs of much lower wattage.

For Men in and Others too! O X l A V i v l l Five NEW TRACTS . . .. Appealing messages A* of amazing power. Beautifully printed in ^ national colors.,True soul-winners. Popular in Camps and Overseas. Samples FREE. . Order NOW—have on hand when needed. Only -8c a doz.; 50c a 100. Write today. Faith, Prayer & Tract League ^ Dept. K B 2, M u skego n H eights, M ich, v* DENVER B IBLE IN S T IT U T E Set to train workers for the Lord's harvest. Com e to this ideal Bible train in g school in the “ mile h ig h " city under the shadow of the Rockies. C om bines sound doctrine, in sp irin g surroundings, and su n n y healthful clim ate w ith am azing low cost. W rite for particulars and free copy of “ Grace and T ru th " — distinctive Bible stu d y m agazine— official publication of the Institute. A ddress: R egistrar, Dept. K B 2047 Glenarm Place, D enver 5, Colo* Lights ARE Coming On Again • . • ALL Over the World! Just as surely as there was a first Christmas, when Peace and Good-will descended on earth . . . so, let us believe with our whole hearts, that soon again, there will be that Peace and Harmony! Let us reach out more eagerly for Understanding and Friendliness . . . A .Merry Christmas from

LESSON: This powerful electric bulb is much more noticeable when it is lighted. In looking at it I am re­ minded of the time when Christ took Peter, James, and John up into a high mountain to pray. As our Lord- was praying, His face and clothing were filled with light. Christ was always the Light of the world, but people did not always realize that He was the Light. But on this occasion His light and glory shone out through Hinr in a way that it had never done before upon earth. Christ was transfigured before them. The best illustration I know of for the Transfiguration is this electric bulb. The electricity which is g e n ­ erated up in the mountains shines out through the bulb. Look at these other electric bulbs. They are cold and lifeless. AsT look at them I am reminded of the words of Paul, found in Romans 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed.” The word here translated “transformed” is the same word in the Greek language as the word “transfigured” used to describe that which happened to Christ. Is it true that God wants Christians to be transfigured before the world? Yes, he wants us to reveal the light and glory of God to others. 1 think this is what Christ meant when He said: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). See how these little bulbs bum when the electric current is turned into them. As the Christian allows God to transform him, the light and glory of God will shine out through his words and actions, and will cause, those who are in darkness to see the Light of the world.


Be of great service to humanity now. Sell., our complete line of Religious Books, Gifts, Bibles, Children’s Books, etc. Our Big. Free Catalog lists low prices, largest assortments. Big com­ missions. Waiting demand. Special gifts to pro­ ducers. Rush name' for Big Free Mailing and Special Offer. Act at once. WESTERN ART STUDIOS, Dept. 91-W 257 So. Spring St., .Los Angeles 12, Calif.

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