King's Business - 1945-01



semblance of racial prejudice, and help to destroy the attitude of racial superiority. FEBRUARY 18, 1945 FROM NEIGHBORHOOD TO BROTHERHOOD A cts 15:1-12 | By Paul W. Brown We hear much today about building the neighborhood of nations into a strong brotherhood. The argument used is the “Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.” But let us look for a moment at such possibilities: The word neighbor­ hood means “vicinity, a certain local­ ity, or proximity.” The word brother­ hood means "a class of individuals of the same kind, profession, or occupa­ tion.” A synonym for the word brother­ hood might be fraternity, association, fellowship, or society. It would seem only logical then that to build a neighborhood or neighbor­ hoods into a brotherhood, there would have to be certain basic, fundamental and unchangeable principles u p o n which it must be built. The old adage comes in here: “Birds of like feather, flock together.” What a man believes causes him. to seek fellowship with like-minded individu­ als, or to Create a society made up of •individuals, whom he has persuaded to accept his philosophy. In the early days of the church there were those who had a different idea as to how men might ,enter the brotherhood of those who were saved. The portion of Scripture in Acts 15 which we are studying in this meet­ ing, relates to us the difficulty brought about by the two versions of man’s entrance into this new brotherhood. Let us look into the record of God’s Word and see what happened. For Those Who Have Topics it THE TWO TEACHINGS. In verses 1 to 5 we have one teach­ ing: “Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.” These certain men were trying to build a brotherhood of individuals who believed in the Lord Jesus. Christ as Saviour, plus, certain acts of an external nature, as the way of en­ trance into this brotherhood. They were from another neighborhood, and instead of building were disuniting the brotherhood. They taught: faith plus works equals salvation. You must become a Jew plus believing in Christ, in order to merit salvation from God. In verses 7 to 11, we find the other teaching: Peter preached Christ cruci­ fied^ buried, and raised again, as our only hope of salvation. To believe and

accept Him brings salvation, and thé possession of eternal, spiritual life. This is the gift of God (cf. Rom. 5; Eph. 2:8-10). For “as many as re- ceived him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God” (John 1:12). II. EARLY LEADERS. Paul and Barnabas had been travel­ ing through many neighborhoods, teaching faith in and acceptance of Jesus Christ, as the only way and means of salvation. Remember, Paul had at one time been at variance with this teaching himself. But later he found the Lord Jesus as the only way of salvation and peace (cf. Phil. 3:1-10, 20, 21). Paul and Barnabas and the rest of the apostles taught that entrance into this brotherhood came through faith in and accepance of Jesus Christ as Saviour. However, there were certain men who were opposed to this teaching. These were Jews, more than likely of the Pharisees oij from the priests who had been converted, but had not left off the ritual connected with the law. In their philosophy we have a good example of man’s wisdom and will being inserted into God’s program. , A young Jewish boy in speaking to one of the members of our church said, “It is a good thing Christ.came for your salvation, for we didn’t care for you. We were proud, and thought all must come our way.” III. THE REVEALING ANSWER. In verses 7 to 12, Peter reveals to the assembled group the revelation God had given to him. First of all, G od was the One who was to set the standard of entrance intar' this brotherhood. And according to God’s standard, salvation is not by works of any kind; nor does natural birth into a race have anything to do. with- it (cf. John 16:8-11; Acts 10; 11:1-18). But it is wholly based upon what every soul does with the Lord Jesus Christ. Following Peter’s declaration, Paul apd Barnabas gave their experiences in their preaching salvation by faith in and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord (v. 12). The remainder of the chapter gives ■ us the result: God remains true to the Word He has given, and neighbor­ hoods will only be brought into the brotherhood upon or through the one entrance: God’s door, God’s Way, the way of the cross on which the Prince of Glory died. Any other way of teach­ ing only builds disunity and pride and arrogance (Prov. 16:25). Only our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ can say: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

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Moore’s Points for .40 Customers in California add 2*/2% State Sales Tax BIOLA BOOK ROOM (C. E. Andrew) 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13 a Christian, accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his own Saviour. The fact that he was a member of the German army did not prevent the Holy Spirit from working in his heart. God’s ground for acceptance is one’s rela- Monship to Jesus Christ. Conclusion ihe enemies of the United States are using the American discrimination against colored people as powerful propaganda against us. They are saying to the Philippines, China, and India, “Look at the Ameri­ cans; will white men give you equal­ ity’ ” As Christians, let us avoid any Emphasis .............

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