TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
to keep in such relationship to Him that we shall be made Christlike. —Philippine Evangelist. 10. Permanent Followers “The two d i s c i p l e s heard him [ John ] speak, and they followed Jesus”- (John 1:37). Many a comet moves around some great star like our sun, and goes on its way, never to return to that sun. Some comets which have been at tracted to our sun, and have begun the course of passing around it, have been so affected by the mass of the great planet that, instead of going away never to return they have become a permanent part of our solar system. So we may affect those whom we touch, bringing them to a new re lationship with our Christ, so that they b e c o m e His followers perma nently.—Albert W. Beaven. 11. The Forward Look “He brought me forth also into a large place” (Psa. 18:19). Not merely shall I grow so that I shall be able to understand vastly, more of what God is and what He is doing; God will be ever doing new things. He is forever active. He has purposes concerning me which He has not yet unfolded. Therefore each year grows more sacred with wondering expectation.—Phillips Brooks. 12. Let Your Light Shine “He must increase, but I must de crease” (John 3:30). “I was sitting in the gloamin’ and a man passed-Jhe window. He was a lamplighter. He pushed his pole into the lamp and lighted it. Then he went to another and another. Now I couldn’t see him. But I knew where he was by the lights as they broke out down the street.” It was the lamplighter’s busihess to light the lamps, not to make himself seen. What matters it, if people take little notice of you? The important thing is to make them take notice of your light.— Evangelical Christian. 13. Tomorrow's Bridge “I will go before thee” (Isa. 45:2). Tomorrow’s bridge, as I look ahead, Is a rickety thing to view; Its piers are crumbled, its rails are down, Its floors would let me through. The chasm it spans is dark and deep And the waters foam and fret; I have crossed that bridge a thou sand times, Though I never have reached it yet. It has crashed beneath me to let me through Although it is miles a\yay;
the routine of duty without love or ardor of soul. He felt this must not be allowed to continue and withdrew him self to study all the evidences of love which he could discover in the Gospels of our Saviour’s history. At the end of three of four hours, he came back to his work with a broken heart as one who had obtained a new vision. It is the broken heart that breaks hearts.. —F. B. Meyer. 8. Debtors “There are diversities of gifts” (1 Cor. 12:4). ' “For the edifying of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12). If I have strength, I owe the service of the strong; If melody I have, I owe the world a .song; If I can stand when all around my post are falling, If I can run with speed when needy hearts are calling, And if my torch can light the dark of any night, Then, I must pay the debt I owe with living light. —Author Unknown. 9. Transformed Through Reflection “We al l . . . beholding. .. the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image” (2 Cor. 3:18). Much well-meant time and energy are being used up in a fruitless effort to make ourselves like Jesús. It can’t be done. But if we keep beholding Him, He will change us into His like ness. It is not that we must sit with hands folded. There is plenty to do, but the emphasis is different and the principle is not that of imitation, but of reflection. We pray, we study, we cut off hindrances, we work, not to make ourselves Christlike, but simply
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