King's Business - 1945-01

ItJiM P I P E - T O H E u n f o l d i n g o r g a n s . . . the LAST WORD in substantial, convenient folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance a n d purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L. WH ITE MFG. CO.

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Standard Graded and Uni­ form Sunday School Lessons are as undenominational as the Bible itself, without “ isms” and without subtrac­ tions. Choice of thousands of successful schools. Closely Graded or International Uni­ form Lessons and story pa­ pers; all are practical, helpful, applicable to everyday life.

Children’s helps have attractive colors. Send for Free Prospectus o f Graded; or samples of Uniform Lessons and weekly papers. Please state which you want and mention department. Address Desk KB-1

The great problem of illiteracy—the world’s greatest blight today—will be a first order of business for every Gov­ ernment as soon as the war is over. And thanks to a new and ingenious method devised by a devoted Christian mission­ ary, millions will be learning to read so quickly, and with such comprehen­ sion, it will seem almost like a miracle. But what will these millions be read­ ing? Will they read political dogmas or religious doctrines of antagonistic ways of life? Or shoddy tales of human frailties? OR will their reading be the World’s Greatest Book—the Holy Bible —the Christian Gospel of good-will to­ ward all men—the way of life which has stood the test of centuries! IT’S UP TO YOU! Yes, every Christian has a responsi­ bility that cannot be avoided, a chal­ lenge that must be met. Fortunately, the tools to do this great

work are already at hand. The Bible has been translated and printed in the languages of the great masses—1062 in all, including Braille for the blind. The American Bible Society is ready, able and eager to act for you in publishing and distributing the Scriptures. Much hard work has been done, but much more remains. Funds are urgently needed and the appeal is to YOU. The American B ible Society wel­ comes outright gifts from individuals or organizations. For those desiringto'give and receive at the same time, the Society offers an Annuity Agreement, which thousands have found provides a generous income while gratifying a spiritual longing to do good for man­ kind throughout the world. Today—right now—fill out the coupon below and you will receive full details of the Annuity Plan by return m a il- no obligation, of course.

The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati 3, Ohio

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wins her first soul She had prayed that the Lord would let her win others for Him. She knew she needed to be ready—that’s why she had enrolled in the Moody Practical Christian Work Course. Then one day, “ I explained Isaiah 5 3 : 6 , using a box to illustrate the point . . . and right there . . . my friend was saved!’ Are you ready to show others the way of salvation? Every Christian should know how. The Practical Christian Work Course is planned to help you learn how. For details, write Dept. K-810

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American Bible Society, Bible House, New York 22, N . Y . □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-53 entitled “A Gift That Lives!’ □ I enclose $............ for the world-wide distribution of the Scriptures wherever need exists.

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