King's Business - 1945-01


January, 1945

Cu r ren t Bu s ine s s LOU IS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-Chief

those 4,000 ships and 11,000 planes they tell us about, invading Nazi ter­ ritory. To think that God . . The photographer instructed the young people how to .display the Bible in the picture he was about to take. “We must make plain that this Book is the Bible,” he affirmed. ‘The world would not be in the mess that it is today, if it had followed the teaching of this Book. God will bring us the victory—not just the ships and the arms. We have got to do a lot of praying.” ' The skilled Jewish workman heard about Christ that day and on follow­ ing ocasions, the only One in whose name any p r a y e r will avail. The lieutenant and his wife c o u l d speak of Him with p e r s o n a l conviction and affection, and so could the repre­ sentative of THE KING’S BUSINESS office. A ministry of prayer was be­ gun that morning that included the photographer and his son “over Eu­ rope” and the thousands represented by those two. Who shall say how far-reaching this witness shall become? May it please God that the purpose of the picture— “to comfort and to challenge and to lead to Christ”—may be achieved, for His own glory and the spread of His everlasting Word. Day of Prayer Whether or not the Lord’s people are pleased with the results of Novem­ ber’s election, each of them faces a stern responsibility as 1945 dawns. That responsibility is to pray (1 Tim. 2:1-3). Accordingly, January 21 has been set aside in many places as a day of prayer particularly lor the President, for his Cabinet, for the members of the Senate and of the House of Rep­ resentatives—indeed for all leaders in our national life. 'The inauguration of Franklin Del­ ano Roosevelt, our fourth-term Presi­ dent, is scheduled to take place on January 20. In what better way could Christian people serve the President and the nation than by spending a day in intercession? “ If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray,” God declares, . . then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). As an encouragement in the needed intercession, hear this: The National Committee of Christian Leadership has announced that a series of gath- [ Continued on Page 40]

January Cover Who but the Lord Himself could have brought together, on one of the most significant days of all time, two students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, a Jewish photographer, and a copy of the Word of God, and used them all to bear testimony to His grace? Always the covers of THE KING’S BUSINESS are prayed about; they must give at a glance “the message of the King,” for some readers never will turn -the page; and for thetn, therefore, the cover must be vastly more than a decorative design. For the first issue of the new year, the need seemed particularly important. It was June 6, 1944, when this pic­ ture was taken, the now memorable occasion of the invasion of Europe. Bdpause the magazine m u s t be planned, months in advance of its de­ livery to subscribers, the, January cover had to be made in midsummer, but the choice of this particular day was not prearranged by men. Who is the young man and his wife shown in the picture? They are stu­ dents of the Institute, or were until the lieutenant’s duties called him else­ where, and surprisingly enough they were to be in Los Angeles only one day—the day the picture was to be made. The photographer, new to THE KING’S BUSINESS, was born in Jeru­ salem and had a Jew’s reverence for the land and for the Book. “This is what we want,” he was told. “We must have a picture that carries the idea of joy—joy found in the Word of God . . . the same kind of joy for those in the service as for those who remain at home—the 'joy of the Lord. The picture must go further and .say at a glance that as modern airmen girdle the globe, so the Word of God must, in this new year of 1945, reach to the remotest regions if stable peace is to come. It must be a picture to challenge, and to comfort, and tp lead to Christ.” The photographer lifted the Book from its tissue-paper wrappings. His “Voice was low: “To think,” he said, “ that the Lord God Almighty would let me take a picture . . . like this . . . of this Book . . . and on this day!” It soon became apparent what he meant. “You are in the air force, lieu­ tenant?” he asked as he posed the couple. “Yes.” “My son is too. He may be over Europe right now. He may be with

Managing Editor Resigns It is with great regret that we an­ nounce the resignation of Miss Mil­ dred Cook from the staff of THE KING’S BUSINESS, effective in Febru­ ary. She has served as Managing Editor for the past ten years, and has resigned this position in order to de­ vote more time to writing and Bible teaching. Few people know that the content and production of the magazine have been in large measure the result of her personal efforts. She has been in constant contact with the great Chris­ tian leaders of the country in an effort to obtain material of lasting worth for publication in this magazine. The high caliber of the articles and the superior quality of all the. material attest to her literary and ’ spiritual discernment. Because of her ability, THE KING’S BUSINESS has been of great blessing to thousands of people through the years. Never wishing to make herself prominent, she has frequently writ­ ten and left unsigned much of the ma­ terial that has appeared in the various magazine sections from month to month. Her.influence and the testi­ mony of her life of prayer and loyalty .will be felt in all departments of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for a long time to come. We pray God’s richest blessings for Miss Cook in all the days t h a t .lie ahead, bnd we trust that the experi­ ence gained in her work here will- prove to be of help to her in new and enlarged fields of service. B oard of D irectors Bible Institute of Los Angeles

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