Restore Physical Therapy Health & Wellness Newsletter
HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
G E T B A C K ON Y O U R F E E T W I T H P H Y S I C A L T H E R A P Y SERVICES / THERAPIES : • Neck & Back Pain/Radiculopathy • Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot Injuries • Elbow & Shoulder Rehabilitation • Arthritis - Painful Joints • Joint Replacements • Balance Disorders • Vestibular Rehabilitation • Sports Injuries • And More!
• Double vision or tunnel vision • Nausea or vomiting • Armor leg weakness • Abnormal eyemovements • Difficulty standing up from a seated position or standing for prolonged periods of time. Do you frequently notice an imbalance, dizziness, or unsteadiness that makes you feel as if you may fall over at any given time?Have you suffered froma fall in thepast?Areyouworried that youmaybeat riskof sustaining a fall-related injury? If so, contact Restore Physical Therapy today so we can help you figure out the root of your problemand treat it accordingly. Am I At Risk Of Falling? Somepeoplehaveahigher riskof falling thanothers. Certain risk factors include:
• Previous history of falls • Vertigo or dizziness • Parkinson’s disease • Alzheimer’s disease • Heart disease • Diabetes
Did you know that 1/3 of the population over 65 falls eachyear?Every11seconds, anolder adult is rushed to the emergency room for a fall. Every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over2.5millionadultswere treatedfornonfatal injuries in emergency departments in 2013. In older adults, fallsare the leadingcauseof fatal andnonfatal injuries. Most people don’t think about keeping their balance in shape until it is too late and they suffer a harsh fall. The good news is that most falls can easily be prevented, simply by the regular exercising of your balance system. If you have recently sustained a balance-related injury, it is important toseek thehelp of a physical therapist immediately, in order to avoid additional injuries in the future. It is important tonote that you should also contact a physical therapist if you have any of the following symptoms: • Dizziness or vertigo (“spinning” sensations, even when remaining still) • Inability to focus or remain alert
• Previous stroke or heart attack • Arthritis or alternative joint pain • Problems with vision • Problems with walking or staying balanced • Fatigue • Overall poor health Your physical therapist will assess your medical history to determine how many risk factors toward falling youmay have. They will educate you onwhat these factors mean, as well as steps you can take to decrease your risk. After this, they will perform a thorough physical evaluation to figure out what the best treatment plan for you will be.
• Advanced age • Being female • Living a sedentary life
Do you need treatment for pain? We can help you get back to living pain-free call today!
Reduce Your Fall RiskWith PHYSICAL THERAPY
A recently published systematic review by Cochrane, comprised of over 100 randomized controlled trials, supports exercise interventions as an effective treatment method for patients with an increased risk of falling. The average age of patients in this review was 76, and 77% of the patients were women. Results concluded that thosewho participated in exercise interventions had a 23% decrease in falls as compared to the control group. Fall risk was also reduced at 21-24%, depending on if treatments were done in individual or group settings. The risk of fall-related fractures was decreased by 27% and the number of falls that required medical attention was decreased by 39%. Concluding statements fromthe authors demonstrated howoverall, “Exercise reduces both the rate of falls…and the number of people experiencing falls.” At Restore Physical Therapy, your initial physical evaluation may consist of several parts to better determine what your most problematic factors are. These may include vision tests, thinking tests, resting heart rate checks, active heart rate checks, and evaluations of your gait, balance, range of motion, and strength. Based on the results of this evaluation, your physical therapist will design a treatment plan around your specific needs. These plans are aimed first and foremost at reducing your risk of falling, but they
or moving. Your physical therapist may ask you to performcertain activities, such as walking in a circle or completing an obstacle course. • Balance training. Balance isa largepart of fall prevention, as lackof stability isoneof themain reasonswhy fallsoccur. Your physical therapistwill design a balance training plan for you as part of your treatment, and may ask you to perform certain balance-based activities, such as standing on one leg or holding your balance while performing a mentally-stimulating task (such as reciting the alphabet or reading a page froma book.) • Strength training. Strength training is typically paired with your balance training. Your physical therapist will design a strength training plan for you, whichwill focusonspecificmusclegroups inneedof improvement. Thegoal of this will be to improve your standing and walking balance, as well as your ability to recover froma loss of balance. • Endurance training .Endurancetrainingisallaboutworkinguptomoreadvanced levels of the same form of treatment. Your physical therapist will provide you withanaerobicexerciseprogramandwill slowlyaddontimetothoseexercises asyour endurance improves. For example, your endurance trainingmay begin at 10-minute sessions and then may progress to 30-minute sessions. Are you ready to get back on your feet by improving your balance and decreasing your risk of sustaining a fall-related injury? Contact Restore Physical Therapy to schedule a consultation and get started today!
will also aid you in improving balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall movement. Some common forms of treatment include: • Pain management. If you are feeling painful anywhere, it will be one of the first things addressed in your treatment plan. Your physical therapistwill want tomake sure
Exercise Essentials Try this movement to helpwith back pain.
that your treatment isascomfortableas possible, so you will work together on relieving pain first, before continuing into any other forms of physical activity that may bring you discomfort. • Walking and moving
programs. Thispartof your treatmentplan is aimed at getting you back to your normal physical function when walking and/
Stand up straight. Place your hands on the small of your back. Lean backward as far as possible, keeping your knees straight. Hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. Complete 10 reps. Repeat up to 8 times per day as needed.
Contact Restore Physical Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you live pain-free!
Patient Success Spotlight
USE IT LOSE IT or A Rem i n d e r To . . . Do you have a family insurance plan? Have you had surgery this year? Have you used your insurance more than usual? If you
“At my initial evaluation I was partially immobile and my prospects of a full recovery appeared bleak. With time, and the expert assistance of the personnel at Restore Physical Therapy, I was able to make a full recovery and even stunned myself. If you’re facing an injury, I recommend Restore, since they first give one an honest and complete evaluation, and then with time and patience, help bring you back to your former condition. In addition, the personnel never put on a facade of superiority, but treat you as equals, and genuinely do care that you recover.” - Mark W. 5 Star Review “I was able to make a full recovery and even stunned myself.”
answered YES , you are more likely to have a $0 balance remaining on your out-of-pocket expenses. This means the cost could be minimal or COMPLETELY COVERED by your insurance plan. Let us help you get a head start
going into 2022, before your deductible renews again! GO ONLINE OR CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT!
Ingredients • 1 cup frozen mango chunks • 1/2 cup coconut milk • 1 frozen banana • A thumb-sized piece of turmeric • 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks Healthy Recipe Candy Corn Smoothie | 856-396-8131
It’s Your Body, It’s Your Choice
No Doctor Referral Necessary Whether you want to come in for a check-up, suffered a recent injury or you want to improve your health, a doctor referral is not needed. In the state of New Jersey you have direct access to physical therapy!
Directions Place 2 clear cups in the freezer. Pour the milk into a blender. Slice the banana and add it to the blender. Blend until smooth. Remove the cups from the freezer and spoon the banana mixture evenly into the bottom of each of the cups. Return the cups to the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse out the blender. Add the mangoes and turmeric and blend until smooth. Take the cups out of the freezer and spoon the mango layer evenly into the cups. Return to the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse out the blender. Add the pineapple, and blend until smooth. Spoon evenly into the cups and serve.
Save time
Improve your health naturally
Save money
RESTORE your mobility
RESTORE your strength
RESTORE your balance
RESTORE your body
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