HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
G E T B A C K ON Y O U R F E E T W I T H P H Y S I C A L T H E R A P Y SERVICES / THERAPIES : • Neck & Back Pain/Radiculopathy • Hip, Knee, Ankle & Foot Injuries • Elbow & Shoulder Rehabilitation • Arthritis - Painful Joints • Joint Replacements • Balance Disorders • Vestibular Rehabilitation • Sports Injuries • And More!
• Double vision or tunnel vision • Nausea or vomiting • Armor leg weakness • Abnormal eyemovements • Difficulty standing up from a seated position or standing for prolonged periods of time. Do you frequently notice an imbalance, dizziness, or unsteadiness that makes you feel as if you may fall over at any given time?Have you suffered froma fall in thepast?Areyouworried that youmaybeat riskof sustaining a fall-related injury? If so, contact Restore Physical Therapy today so we can help you figure out the root of your problemand treat it accordingly. Am I At Risk Of Falling? Somepeoplehaveahigher riskof falling thanothers. Certain risk factors include:
• Previous history of falls • Vertigo or dizziness • Parkinson’s disease • Alzheimer’s disease • Heart disease • Diabetes
Did you know that 1/3 of the population over 65 falls eachyear?Every11seconds, anolder adult is rushed to the emergency room for a fall. Every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over2.5millionadultswere treatedfornonfatal injuries in emergency departments in 2013. In older adults, fallsare the leadingcauseof fatal andnonfatal injuries. Most people don’t think about keeping their balance in shape until it is too late and they suffer a harsh fall. The good news is that most falls can easily be prevented, simply by the regular exercising of your balance system. If you have recently sustained a balance-related injury, it is important toseek thehelp of a physical therapist immediately, in order to avoid additional injuries in the future. It is important tonote that you should also contact a physical therapist if you have any of the following symptoms: • Dizziness or vertigo (“spinning” sensations, even when remaining still) • Inability to focus or remain alert
• Previous stroke or heart attack • Arthritis or alternative joint pain • Problems with vision • Problems with walking or staying balanced • Fatigue • Overall poor health Your physical therapist will assess your medical history to determine how many risk factors toward falling youmay have. They will educate you onwhat these factors mean, as well as steps you can take to decrease your risk. After this, they will perform a thorough physical evaluation to figure out what the best treatment plan for you will be.
• Advanced age • Being female • Living a sedentary life
Do you need treatment for pain? We can help you get back to living pain-free call today!
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