2021 Q3



Sun, Sand and Success in 2021!

Marriott Harbor Beach Resort was the perfect setting for our 48th Annual Institute: white sand, blue water, and a great hotel.

Considering the events of the past 2 years; what has happened in our industry and country, we had a great turnout for Institute. And what an AWESOMELY RAD time we all had. As most of you know, Institute does not just happen with a snap of the fingers, it’s a lot of hard work. It’s organized by people who care about NADOA and our industry who volunteer their time to put together the best educational program, fun events, and good food on a tight budget. From the comments by most of the attendees, speakers and vendors; a good time was had by all.

A BIG THANK YOU to all the Vendors who joined us this year and continue to support NADOA. We truly appreciate all you do for us.

To all the Speakers who so graciously took the time out of their busy schedules to come to Institute and present an outstanding list of topics to help educate our members. THANK YOU for being here and supporting NADOA. Without our attendees/members, Institute could not be a success. We thank you, your companies and those who paid their own way. You are all very much appreciated, and we hope you enjoyed yourself and left feeling that your knowledge as a DOA was enhanced.

We would like to thank this year’s Institute Committee for a SENSATIONAL job. You all went above and beyond to put on a SUCCESSFUL Institute.

Jennifer Kegans Norma Dooley Institute Chairs


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