I would again, like to thank Steve Smith with Legacy Royalties for sponsoring NADOA’s Thursday evening party. Without your continued
support, these fun events wouldn’t be quite so fun! I would also like to thank all the NADOA members that helped with the scheduling, decorating and breakdown of the Wednesday Welcome Reception and Thursday Dinner Event! Jennifer Kegans, Quint Withers, Norma Dooley, Megan McKee, Stan Vargas, Michelle Harris-Fairclough, Michelle Davila, and any others I’m SURE I’ve forgotten, again, THANK YOU for all your help!!! Hospitality would not have been as great as it was without all of you.
If you were unable to make this year’s Institute, I encourage you to start planning for next year’s event, October 26-28, 2022 in San Antonio, Texas. We will be on the Riverwalk, such a great place to be. Also, make sure your contact information is UP TO DATE in the NADOA Membership Directory, including a personal email, so that we can reach you.
Best Regards, Stephanie D. Moore, CDOA Hospitality Chair
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