Regis House

Sometimes the tiniest act of kindness can save a life. “

In terms of her work as therapist, she sees empowering her clients—especially her younger clients—to reevaluate and reorient their previously negative thinking into more positive action that can create meaningful change in their lives. Success stories from many of her former clients indicate that this direction is working and that Regis House services are in the right place at certainly the right time, given the near overwhelming challenges of our recent pandemic years. These years certainly emphasized the need for an even greater and wider focus on mental health and overall wellness for all.

Moving forward Ms. Guerrero plans to continue to coordinate vital social media and continue the critically proactive work of community engagement that creates positive community change through education, empowerment and goal-oriented action.

Because as her credo

which she recently shared-

“"Sometimes the tiniest act of kindness can save a life."” And as a community, we all need proactive professionals taking even those tiniest actions to move us all forward and upward!


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