Regis House

meaningful degree of respect, a healthy contribution to their social wellbeing that in many cases had been lacking. And as HOP coordinator, Ms. Montalvo’s work extends to helping her adult clients—and their families—find the direction they need to lift themselves up out of the troubles they’ve encountered along their own paths. From direction with public assistance programs to counseling to simply listening to her kids and client’s needs, Ms. Montalvo’s near coincidental arrival at her service has given her own life a new light for which she remains deeply grateful. The focus of her goals moving forward remains to “do her best to get things done” and as she recently shared in regard to her Melrose kid’s ambitions-

“"If they put their minds to it, they can always reach higher ground."”

Yes, Regis House services are available to all no matter their particular faith, or lack of any, but as Ms. Montalvo believes- “ "I may not pray with my kids and clients, but I often pray for them. Then I trust in God and let him do the rest."”

For Ms. Montalvo, the right path is clearly the path that leads to righteous service. Regis House is there to provide such service with any and all welcome to contribute as they are able.


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