April 2022 Anchorlines

Vice Commodore The March Sunset Cruise was an outstanding success -- great weather, beautiful evening, and a great dinner back at the Club. Seven captains volunteered their boats and carried about 65 members into the sunset.

The next Sunset Cruise is on April 27. Watch for the eBlasts next month for more sign-up information! We hope more captains will volunteer to participate in this event. Also, please support Past Commodore Jeff Comeaux's Day Cruise events -- the next one is going to the historic and interesting Rod and Gun Club in Everglades City. Rear Commodore Paul Soden is getting things together for this year's popular Scavenger Hunt, which is on April 4th. New members, this is a really fun event, so sign up with Paul to enter your boat and crew, or sign on as a passenger. You may recall that last summer, a large yacht grounded in the Marco River channel entrance, resulting in the Coast Guard placing temporary buoys which narrowed the channel. A proposal for dredging will be brought up at City Council on April 4 at 5:30 pm, and many of the boating organizations and marinas, including members of the MIYC bridge, will be present to support the issue. The Daylight Savings Time change and approaching summer will be altering our time schedule for future events, but as always, the MIYC Bridge promises you a unique boating experience! Henry Stanley Vice Commodore Henry Stanley


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