Crest Ink - Volume 27 - Number 04

Year End Celebration for Ingredient & Consumer Products Divisions

The Ingredient and Consumer Products Divisions got togeth er in their brand new warehouse facility on September 17th to celebrate a strong performance for the past fiscal year. Both divisions achieved their goals for the year and a pork chop

cookout on the big grill with all the fix ings to go with it is just a little extra way to say thanks for everyone’s involvement.

Both divisions in the new Ingredient Division Warehouse

For those who have been here for a long time and have a good memory, in the 70’s the Ingredient Division was small enough that all of their work was done out of one blender in a room that is now a dump area for one of the lines in Contract Packaging. In the 1980’s they moved across the street to the building that now houses the research labs and Quality Control…our warehouse space was a dozen short rows behind what is now the research lab and we shipped and received out of one dock in the back alley. My how we have grown! Our new 120,000 square foot warehouse facility is a far cry from those early days, but it is always good to remember where we came from. Similarly, the Consumer Products Division started with a simple idea of supplying pouches of Chex Party Mix sea- soning to Ralston Purina to sell with Chex cereals. While that business is still alive today with General Mills, this division is really starting to take off with numerous new products and customers and our own imagination is really our limit here. Congratulations to both groups and we are looking forward to even stronger results in this coming new fiscal year.

Randy Reuter, Brandon & Jeff Meiners, Ed Baylor & Herb Wyckoff

A porkchop lunch was served.

4 Crest Ink October, November & December 2015

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