King's business - 1943-03

Closely Graded or International Uniform Lessons, and story papers, for all ages from Beginners to Adults. Used in thousands o f suc­ cessful schools. Send for catalogue; free prospectus o f Graded; or sam­ ples of Uniform. Please state which you want and mention department.

The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio

“ We Cry Unto Thee For Help ”

You can see to it that, through the American Bible Society, the W ord of God is made available to our Armed Forces wherever they are, so that sometime, somewhere in the jungle or desert, those boys of ours— facing the supreme test of their courage— may find comfort, strength, and perhaps deliverance. And for the future— remember, when you buy an American Bible So­ ciety Annuity Agreement, your money will not only help further the work of distributing the Bible and New Testaments to the young men of all races and of all lands in years to come, at the same time you receive as high as 7 % returns. D o not fail! In­ vestigate this Plan at once! Send for the booklet “ A G ift That Lives.”

Seventeen sick and wounded, and a crew of six, in an army transport plane crash-landed on a coral reef, the water waist-high in the shattered cabin. For four days, in thirst, hun­ ger and pain, they waited for a rescue that might never come. On the fifth long day of waiting, a nineteen-year- old boy, sick with malaria and with wounds in his side and back, remem­ bered it was Sunday. Church services were being held back home. There in the lone Pacific, they too held service. “ Oh most powerful and glorious Lord God,” they prayed, “ we cry un­ to Thee for help.” Before another Sunday, help did come. You may not be able to shoulder a gun. Y ou may not have to share with our boys the terrible hardships of bat­ tle. But there is one thing you can do.

No atheists in fox holes!

. say the boys under firel Face to face with Eternity . . . every believesl They have faith and courage. What do YOU believe? Your church has the OPEN DOOR and invites you to worship! . . Music, the universal language, speaks to all men's souls . . . out there . . . and at home. The churches are ringing with itl Go to church and join the singingl Find out for yourself what singing can do to fortify the soul! Help your church get new song books. Keep America Singing! These two song books are being used by over 10,000 churches in America. Here is ammuni­ tion to Praise the Lordl

CHRISTIAN SERVICE SONGS An “ all purpose" book for Church, Sunday School, Prayer Meetings, etc. 312 “ tested" songs. Expensive ap­ pearance, low price. Beautiful ■stay flat" brown binding. YOUTH HYMNAL The ideal song book to pre­ pare youth for a victorious American life. 226 Songs, 34 Worship Programs, Respon­ sive Readings, Prayers, Waterproof Binding.


------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------- 1 American Bible Society, ) Bible House, New York, N. Y. | □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-31 entitled “A Gift That Lives” J □ I enclose f ............ to provide Testaments for our boys. |

Are YOU using them in YOUR church? Now is the time to replace old worn out books with fresh new ones. The cost is very small . . . only $45 per 100. We'U be glad to send your Pastor or any member of your music committee free examination copies on request. THE RODEHEAYER HALL-MACK CO. Sacred Music Publishers 119 Ninth St.( Winona Lake, Indiana

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March 1943

Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev, 1:5)-.

"1 Never Knew I ShouldGiveto the Jews!" A dear sister in Christ writes: I am so sorry I never knew be­ fore that I should and could give to His brethren—the Jews. I am grateful for the privilege and op­ portunity of giving my mite as often as possible from now on. And in the same mail another sister writes: I’ve been wanting to do some­ thing for God and hope these few tithes may be a beginning of doing something for God’s chosen people. I believe, to be a sincere child of God, we must love His chosen people. Perhaps some of us learn this too late in life. I hope I can continue tp work for Him because He does so much for me. Then, as tjiough the Lord would add to our encouragement, He led still another donor to bring us comfort and understanding when He caused him to write us: It must be increasingly difficult to evangelize among the Hebrews iri face of the intensive propagan­ da that is being spread to incite race hatred in these days. . Yes, it is increasingly difficult. Satan is busy day and night stir­ ring up hate for God’s covenant people, Israel. We hope that you as a true child of God will take your side with Him,and that you too will experience the awaken­ ing — “I never knew before I should give to the Jews!” The time is short. Israel needs your help NOW—in these days of race hatred and persecution. THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, loved by many Bible students for its help­ ful information on Prophecy and the Jews, is sent to all contribu­ tors. May we hear from you? . Our work, in the Lord’s rich provi­ dences, reaches around the world; a work in which you will never regret having become a partner. American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc., 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dear Friends: I do want to help the Jews. Here is $......... Use it as God directs, to make known the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ to Israel. Name ........... ........ - .............. .......... Address .......- ............. -............... •- City ........... ............. State..............

The K in g 's Business

Number 3

March, 1943

Volume XXX IV

The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine


Ransom D. Marvin, Staff Artist Cover photograph of a home in Devonshire, England, by Philip Gendreau, N. Y.

83 84 85 86 88 89 92 94 95 97 98

Around the King’s Table — Louis T . Talbot ...................- —-.......— Significance of the News — Dan Gilbert... ......--------------------------------- Thy Heart in the Sight of God — Vance Havner ............................. A Nurse’s Experience in Soul-Winning — JVilhelmina Annas... -------- Fishers o£ Men.................. .................................. ...'.................................... War-Time Church Building for War Needs —Earl Kirk kVyman... Dr. Talbot’s Question Box......................................... *........................... Bible Institute Family Circle......:—........................-— ..............---------- Jnrrioi'-'King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker .................|------------------- Big Business Says— It Pays...,.............................I.— .......... .................... International Lesson Commentary ............................... i— ............ -........ Notes on Christian Endeavor -—Gene W . Fussell, Jeanne Farwell, Allison Selway, Irene M . Hunter ........................... -.................... Daily Devotional Readings........................ ..........——— ............<■......... Our Literature Table......................... .......................... .................— — The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. L O U IS T. T A L B O T M I L D R E D M. C O O K E d ito r-In -C h ie f M a n a gin g Ed itor INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS S U B S C R IP T IO N P R IC E : “ The King’s Business" is published monthly, $1.00—one year; $1.50—two years; 50 cents—six months; 10 cents—single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. ■ It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. R E M IT T A N C E — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business." Date of expiration will show plainly ,each month on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. A D V E R T IS IN G —For information with reference to advertising in “ The King’s Business," address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., or our eastern representative, Religious Press Association, 51 No. 52nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. M A N U S C R IP T S —“ The King’s Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. THE KING’ S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

108 112 118



TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

This Issue

WAR -T IME PRAYER [A Christian woman in England wrote that the following anonymous poem is being widely circulated in Britain, and is being offered as the heartfelt, per­ sonal plea of many individuals there,]' O God of love. Thine eyes look down On blood-stained field and shattered town; The widow's tears, the orphan's cry. The wounded soldier's agony Are known to Thee. Thy children's woes Are not forgot:’their Father knows. Great Judge of all, defend the right. Cause right to triumph by Thy might. OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS WE DARE NOT PLEAD; Yet save us in our utmost need. OUR SINS ARE MANY IN THY SIGHT. FORGIVE US, and defend the right. Jehovah God, Thy promise stands, Whate'er the fate of kings or lands. Before the dawn the night grows dark. Awake Thy church on earth to mark. Mid lust and hate, mid fires and sword. The nearness of her coming Lord.

THE PICTURE on the cover of this Soul-Winners’ Number, a scene in Devonshire, England, directs attention to Great Britain, with a view to stimulating prayer on her behalf and praise to God for what His grace has wrought. It is impossible to put into few words a'description of the work of Scripture distribution (to mention just one phase of spiritual ministry) that has been carried on in that country. Baffled at the very thought of doing so, Eric M. North, the able General Secretary of the American Bible Society, exclaimed:

“In what compass could facts concerning Britain’s part in Scripture distribution be put when the English Bible from Wycliffe to the Revision of 1881-1885 is due to Great Britain, and when the Brit- 5 ish Society has been at work since 1804 and has car- ! ried on work in nearly 100 countries to the, extent recently of ten or eleven , million Bibles, Testa­ ments, and Gospels a. year in some hundreds of languages!”

Some of the greatest preachers and soul-winners of all time have come from Great Britain. In gratitude to God for these and all others who are “ gifts to the church,” let us pray for His gracious ministry in purifying, strengthening, and increasingly using all those who honor His name.

Next Issue-“ Easter

EASTER Is April 25. In plenty of time for meditation and for use in Easter programs, the following and other special features will be published in the next issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS: GOLD STAR THIS EASTER —a group of Easter poems by the beloved Writer, Helen- Frazee-Bower. Many readers thanked God for Mrs. Bower’s Christmas pantomime, “Home at Christmas.” Her Easter meditations are similarly Christ-centered and beautiful. “JESUS DOETH ALL THINGS WELL"— the radiant testi- mony of a widow, Mrs. Hugh B. Evans, Jr., whose only son was killed ,recently while serving as an • airplane pilot instructor. Here is a message of unusual tenderness and power.

THIS ONE THING THIS EASTER— answers, .given by out- Standing ministers, to the question: “What ONE thing will you stress in your sermons this Easter; and why?” THE WORD OF GOD "HAPPENING" IN HOLLAND (And Elsewhere in Europe)—a heartening message by John A. Patten. WHY THEY CAME— a missionary story with an Easter setting for boys and girls, by Elizabeth Rusling Sedat. * DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOH —helpful answers to puzzling questions. Why not send THE KING’S BUSINESS to some one, beginning with the Easter number?

The King's Business 558 South Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

Annual Subscription $1.00 Canadian and Foreign, 2$ cents extra

Enclosed find S..... ....for which send the Easter issue, and following numbers throughout the year, to: * Name.......... ..................>................................... ¿ 2 ___

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March 1943


right that I should be paid for this privilege of witnessing for Christ. I am going to use those dollars to send THE KING’S BUSINESS to some whom I know who are un­ saved.” The Right to Worship In the following petition,** circu­ lated in many communities, there is material for seribus thought: “WE, THE UNDERSIGNED Ameri­ can citizens, petition the Congress of the United States to take what­ ever steps may be necessary in order to bring about a relaxation in the gasoline rationing program which will permit members of Christian churches to attend church an average of at least two times per week. “We, the undersigned, respectfully call your attention to the fact that the Church is the foundation of our American way of life. Country peo­ ple and people removed some dis­ tance from the churches are virtual­ ly being denied the right of free worship because of the present gaso­ line rationing program. “It is our conviction that the pres­ ervation of the Church is more im­ portant this critical hour than any other one thing in our American communities. If the Church falls, if the Church is bankrupted, because of the inability of the people who attend—then everything for which we fight and everything for which we standees a nation will be for naught. “ It is our conviction that Christ and the Church must come first, whether we be at war or at peace' with the nations of the world.” In some localities, when citizens have asserted themselves in regard .to this important matter, results have been almost immediate and very gratifying. No Christian can afford to take the lazy attitude of doing nothing about it **Issued bg Committee for Preservation of Christ’8 Cause, P. O. Box 90, Englewood, Colo,

Around the King's Table LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-in-ChïeF

“In Season and Out of Season” Because of his interest in a certain young convert’s enrolling as a student at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, a Christian; brother in a Middle West­ ern state had correspondence with the Institute. One of his letters bore a “postscript” that would put to shame many a fellow believer whose zeal for souls has waned. In his seventy- second year, he is a layman “instant in season - and out of season.” He wrote: “I must tell you of my experience of last Sunday. As I was on my way home from mailing my last let­ ter’ to you, I was riding along lei­ surely on my bicycle when a car struck me, not severely. The car was a ------— Cab, with a driver who was a Jew. He had one passenger, a soldier from Oakland, California. “Both men came to my rescue. I found that I had neither bruise nor scratch, and that the bicycle had only the rear mud guard bent. The driver insisted that he call the road­ man, so that the company would be satisfied there would bfe no com­ plaint. While we were waiting—at least forty minutes—I sat in the cab telling those two men, Jew and Gentile, how wonderfully the Lord cares for His children. It was a rare opportunity to preach Christ to the unsaved, and I did my best. “When the roadman came, I was asked what was my complaint. I said'I had none, explaining that it was an unavoidable accident for which one could blame only the icy street. “ ‘Well,’ he said, ‘I’m going to give you five dollars whether you or not.’ “Reluctantly I took the money, and thanked him. It did not seem

“He that winneth souls is wise.”

(Proverbs 11:30)

Soul-Winning on Guadalcanal “An Experience with the Lord”— this is the title which Time* gave to a four-paragraph article which has caused many Christian readers to re­ joice. Not only are the facts of the article significant and heart-warming, but the very fact of their publication in a news magazine, read by millions, is honoring to the Lord Jesus Christ. Following is the item: “ From one of the world’s hottest spots, a letter came last week to the Rev. Edward E. Chipman, pas­ tor of Brooklyn’s Lefferts Park Bap­ tist Church. Wrote Chaplain W. Wyeth Willard, with the U. S. Ma­ rines on Guadalcanal: “This is to notify you that one of your young men, Arthur Shepherd Tripp, of 1599 East 54th St., Brook­ lyn, was baptized by me in the Lunga River, Guadalcanal, B.S.I. on Dec. 2, 1942. Arthur has had a real experience with the Lord as have many other young men who have had battle experience. . . . A week ago last Sunday, Nov. 27, Arthur came forward with 17 others in his group, and publicly professed Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour and Lord. Baptism followed on Dec. 2 . . . . “Arthur Tripp has authorized me to submit his name for membership ih the Lefferts Park Baptist Church. Of course, we shall have to wait until after the war is over before you give him the right hand of fel­ lowship. It has been a joy to wit­ ness the saving and keeping power of Jesus Christ. In many cases I have been, as it were, speaking as ‘a dying man to dying men.’ Pray that God will give me many souls for the Son of His Loye.” Christian readers should pray ear­ nestly for men of Chaplain Willard’s type who believe and present the Word “to dying men,” and who exer­ cise toward them the ministry of undershepherds of the flock.

From Gen. MacArthur's Order of the Day Following the Victory at New Guinea

# (To (£oi> Almightg 3- gin* tfyanka far that guibanre whifh haa brought ua to tigs aurreaa in our great rrnaabe. Mia is the honor, the power anb the glorg foreher. Amen.

Issue of Feb. 1, Itti.


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

God; That they might repent and re­ ceive Christ as Saviour. That our na­ tion might be swept by a mighty heaven-sent revival. f Lincoln once said that the strongest force in Afnerica was public opinion. Public opinion ultimately will deter­ mine the future of our country. We ought to pray that public opinion in individuals may be made to conform • In fulfilling our obligation to pray on behalf of our country, we need to sepk Scriptural understanding. In the realm of the relationship of the be­ liever to his country, there is much confusion and even bewilderment of thought. One often hears it said, “We must repent of our individual sins, and also of our national sins. We as iq- dividuals must get right with God, and the nation must also get right with God.” Are there two kinds of sinS— indi­ vidual and national? Our so-called national sins are nothing more nor less than, the sum total of our in­ dividual sins. It is we—and only we, as individuals—who must repent. The n a t i o n is 130,000,000 individual Americans. We hear the slogans oft-repeated, “America must turn to God,” “The nation must repent.” The sentiment is praiseworthy, but let us be sure that we understand the meaning cor­ rectly. It might be better to put it this way: "Americans must turn to God.” Or, better still, we might say, “You and I must turn to God,” “You and I must repent.” The nation is you and I! Christianity regards men as indi­ viduals. Its message is to the indi­ vidual. Its message does not change. It is the same in- this crisis in the twentieth century as it has been down through all the centuries. Often we hear the prayer: “God save America.” Our understanding would be clarified if we made it: “God save Americans.” There is no way whereby America can be saved except by In­ dividual Americans accepting Christ as their own personal Saviour. We* are saved one by one—as individuals; not en masse or en bloc or “ as a people” or “as a nation.” America can be saved when Americans, -one by one, turn to the Lord. PRAYER IS MEASURED BY QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY: • Some one has said, “A prayer’s strength is not measured by its length.” Neither, is the power of a . [Continued on Page,. 93] , - to the “mind of Christ.” PRAYER AND NATIONAL REPENTANCE:

Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C , and San Diego, California

to the Scriptures. To -have power, prayer must be intelligent as well as fervent. Zeal is no substitute for knowledge. Paul speaks of those who “have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge” (Rom. 1Q:2, R. V.). How often, in prayer, we manifest a so- called zeal for the things of God, but an ignorance of the Word of God! HOW TO PRAY FOR THOSE IN AUTHORITY: • The Bible instructs us to pray for those in authority over Us. But have we ever stopped to inquire: who is-in authority in America? We are a de­ mocracy: a government; of the people, by .the people, and for the people. The people are in authority in America. Elections are held to select public officials who will carry out. the will of the people. ; , The President, Congress, the Judi­ ciary, the Army and Navy, the Gov­ ernors, Mayors, Legislatures, and Po­ lice, all exercise certain elements of authority under the American system of government. But all of them are answerable to the peopfe, in whom is vested Supreme authority. ' The government of the U n i t e d States is 130,000,000 American citizens. No prayer on behalf of governing au­ thority should fail to include the peo­ ple themselves, the source of ultimate power in a democracy. We should pray for all who hold public office; but also for our 130,000,000 fellow Americans. And what should we pray on their behalf? That they might be given wisdom and understanding from on high. That they might be led to turn to the Book of God and the Son of

IS THE PRAYER ARMY LAGGING? • In many fields, America’s mobiliza­ tion for all-out war is ahead of sched­ ule. The productive forces of industry And labor have exceeded the high quotas for gunS and tanks and planes which were set a year ago. Agricul­ tural production is reaching an ; all- time peak. Month by month the army is being expanded to reach the ulti* mate goal of approximately ten mil­ lion men in service. In the realm of military and mate­ rial mobilization, America is well' on her way to victory. But, thoughtful persons are now asking, how about, the spiritual realm? Is it being neg­ lected? How about the army of prayv er? Is it lagging behind? The welfare—indeed, the very ex­ istence—of a nation depends upon the joint-enterprise of Church and State. They must be separate—but they must both be functioning—if the national well-being is to be' insured. • "We have, four times as many men In army camps now as we had before the attack at Pearl Harbor. But do we have four times as many people in the service of Christ? PRAYER AND NATIONAL MORALE: , • If the much-misused word “morale” has any real meaning it must refer to a people’s state of mind, state of heart, and state of morals. America’s morale is not what it ought to be, not what it needs to be. And all the propaganda -artists and professional “morale-builders” have been unable to elevate or uplift it. Morale-build­ ing, in a truly fundamental way, is the work of the church of Jesus Christ. Only Christ can create a pure heart. Only Christ can fortify the mind with convictions which will withstand all hardship and the approach of death itself. Only Christ can give that kind of. super-human courage which defies the so-called “ instinct of self-preser­ vation.” Christ In us is the only Fount and Spring of a morale which never fal­ ters And which cannot fail. INTELLIGENCE IN PRAYER: • The dictionary defines God as Su­ preme Intelligence. Intelligence, like holiness, is-an .attribute of God. " Prayer involves and exercises the whole being of man: his head, as well as his heart; his intellect, as well as his emotions. The “mind of Christ” is to belong to the believer, according

March 1943


"Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues. For their heart was not right with him, neither were they steadfast in his covenant" (Psa. 78:36, 37).

"Thy heart is not right in the sight of God" (Acts 8:21),

Thy .Heart in the Sight of God By VANCE HAVNER

P HILIP, the evangelist, had a great meeting in Samaria. It bore all the marks of a real politics or propaganda. The 'people with one accord gave heed: they did not merely hear—they heeded; they hid the Word in their hearts, not mere­ ly in their heads. The devil came out of them as he always does before a Spirit-filled ministry of Christ. And there was - great joy Jn that city, an inevitable consequence of a true awakening where the S p i r i t is not quenched and Pharisaic dignity has

not squelched the "amens” and “hal­ lelujahs” of the saints. Counterfeit Power There was another mark of a real stir in the old city: the devil got busy with a counterfeit. Ever since the magicians withstood Moses, Satan has imitated every work of God. A sure mark of a revival is the devil’s effort to match it. But the appearance of an imitation should encourage rather than discourage us. The .adversary never bothers to stir up competition where nothing is going on. The pres­ ence of the counterfeit proves the pres­

ence of the real. We do not have counterfit Confederate money down Sbuth because there is no genuine Confederate money in circulation. When Simon the sorcerer rises up, there is a Philip in town. Have you noticed how, in a testimony meeting, the devil o f t e n raises up a crank somewhere to spoil the meeting? I have known cases where the saints hesitated to have a season of testi­ mony for fear some fanatic would run away with the meeting. But wherever you have a light you will [Continued on Page 91]

awakening. He preached Christ, not

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


A Nurses Experience in Soul-Winning

I T WAS very quiet in thè pleasant sun porch of the beautiful Sierra' Madre home where I was on a case. My patient was Dr. Murphy, and I stood in awe of him. Not only is a doctor one of the most difficult of patients to care for, but this particular one made me feel ill at ease and self- conscious. His eighty-five years had rested lightly/on him until a recent illness. Even now he was always immaculate­ ly attired, distinguished and scholar­ ly in bearing, and vigorous in his speech. He was not a Christian, and I knew he had been none too pleased with me since the day I had tried to speak tQ him about spiritual things.

Long before this time, the. Lord had put a burden on my heart., for the spiritual condition of the patients I nursed. Usually I was able to deter­ mine rather quickly whether they knew Christ as Saviour, and then I endeavored to help them in their need, through prayer and personal testi­ mony. I had prayed that' the iLord would open the way for me to reach Dr. Murphy for Him. I knew he was a man of few words-; he liked directness in those who con­ versed with him. So I began with that fact in mind. “Dr., Murphy, are you trusting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour?” I had asked one day soon after I had gone

on the case, that being the most direct approach I knew. He had stiffened angrily and an­ swered, “I don’t argue on religion, Mrs. Annas.” “You misunderstood me, Doctor,” I replied. quietly. “I have no desire to argue on the subject. I hold it far too sacred for that." He had not replied, and I had not dared approach him again. There was a reserve I could not break through. I looked at him, now, alcove the book I had been reading. He was sit­ ting quietly in a.big chair, staring in­ to the garden. He did not need to be in bed, but because he was subject to falls since his illness, he needed some


Match 1943

The room was quiet after he left. I sat near the Doctor’s bed, listening to his heavy breathing, and the words kept running through my mind: “ ‘He may not live through the night. . . . He may not live through the night.’ And he is not saved.” Before I had time to think what I was doing, 1 stepped nearer to him and said, quiet­ ly but clearly, “Dr. Murphy, I wish I . knew; that you had a hope for the next world.”“' His eyes flew open and he frowned. “What?” he asked, obviously dis­ pleased. “I wish you knew the Lord Jesus as ydur Saviour," I answered softly. A shadow gathered in his eyes and I saw he was angry. Slowly his hands clenched and he said, “Please don’t bother me with those things.” I went back to my chair, feeling utterly defeated. “I’ve done my duty,” I murmured to myself. “He doesn’t want it. Salvation is for ‘whosoever will,’ and he doesn’t want it.” . Df. ¡Murphy did not die that night. He rallied a bit, but it was clear that he could not live long. I had given up hope of reaching him. I was mildly surprised when one morning Dr. Gossard said to Mrs. Mur­ phy in my presence, “Don’t you think a clergyman should come to see Dr. Murphy?” “ I would be glad to have one come,” the wife replied, “ but there is no clergyman that can approach him on this subject. My daughter and grand­ son haYe tried repeatedly, and so has Mrs. Annas, but he will not listen.” The next night Dr. Murphy was very low, and again Dr. Gossard said, this time to me, “Don’t you think a min­ ister should come to see him, Mrs. Annas?” “If you are a Christian, why don’t you speak to him?” I answered. “He won’t see a minister.” “ I am greatly burdened for him,” ' he said,, “but I am already late and must be going. I want you to read the third chapter of John to him.” He took his case and started to leave. At the door he turned back and, pointing his finger at me, said sternly, “Mrs. Annas, see that you do it.” I was amazed. He had actually ordered me to read the Bible to the [ Continued on Page 93]

appointed in some of the church mem­ bers. I was not really saved, you see. Finally, I left home to find more free­ dom. But strangely enough, the things I planned to do, I couldn’t do. I know, now, that it was because my parents’ prayers were following me. I tried to be good, to turn oyer a new leaf— to please God as I thought I must— but I became more miserable. “Then one day a tract entitled, ‘Hath,’ was put into my hands. I had not read more than one sentence, ‘He that believeth on the Son hath ever­ lasting. life,’ when the scales fell from my eyes, and God gave me peace. It was so wonderful to know that all my sins were gone, that Christ had paid-for them on the cross, that,I had His salvation as a gift, and all that I needed to do was believe . . .” I stopped, half fearful of what he would say. He had not interrupted my long recital, and now he made no re­ ply. He sat perfectly still and I, a little surprised that I had dared to say so much, silently looked to the Lord that my simple testimony might be used to reach this unsaved man. Dr. Murphy made no further men-, tion of our conversation or of spiritual things at all. His physical condition did not improve as it should have done, and finally he was taken, to the hospital for tests and treatment. Again the urgent burden of his soul’s nefcd was heavy on my heart. I accompanied him to the hospital and tried to^ speak to him there. I did not know whether I ever would see him again or not. But my lips seemed sealed, and no word was spoken. I left him and went home, my heart, heavy and discoufaged. * * $ . $ The Doctor had been away five weeks when he grew so homesick, he decided to return to his home. Mrs. Murphy called to see whether I could come back to the case. I was sur­ prised that he would want me again, but I was free and glad' to go. I realized at once that Dr. Murphy was very ill. Apparently he had taken a slight cold, and it quickly developed into pneumonia. By the third day, he was near death. Dr. Gossard, the attending physi­ cian, said to me that night, “I have done all I can, Mrs. Annas, but I doubt that he will live through the night.”

one always at hand. I thought he looked tired. The Slight breeze, coming through the open window, flipped a page of my book over, and I started to turn it back when Dr. Murphy stirred and said, “Mrs.' Annas, if you ever want a good book to read, go into my library. You "will find any number of interesting books there.” “Thank you, Doctor,” I said pleas­ antly. “It is very kind of you, but jùst now I’m reading this little book which is an explanation of the Book of Revelation. It is rather deep, and I have to go over and over it several times. By thè way, Doctor, do you read the Bible?” I asked, my heart in my throat at broaching the subject again. For a moment there was a dead silence. I saw the flush mounting to his face before he suddenly thundered a reply. “No!” he shouted. I was shocked at his answer. It was unexpected from one of his dignified bearing. The uncomfortable silence held. I could think of'nothing to say. “Mrs. Annas,” he said at length, and his voice was quiet now. “I'm going to tell you something.” ~ (He is going to tell me to leave the case, I thought.) “My parents were Christians,” he went on, a little wearily, “and I was brought up in a Christian home and went to Sunday-school all early years. When I was seventeen I joined the church. For several years after that, things went on fairly well and I was a pretty good Christian, I guess. But the more I saw of prominent church members, and found what crooks and hypocrites many of them were, the more disgusted I became, and I finally threw the whole thing overboard.” Pounding his fist on the arm of the chair to emphasize each word, he fin­ ished, “And 1 don’t want to talk about It any more.” “I’m sorry, Dr. Murphy,” I answered quickly. “I can deeply sympathize with you, because I had a similar ex­ perience. And since you have related yours, may I tell you mine?”.. He nodded, slightly. “ I, too, was brought up in a Chris­ tian home,” I began. “I heard the Bible read three: times a day, went to Sunday-school and at about the same age as you did, I joined the church. I, too, was very much diS­

"He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life (j ohn 3 .-36).


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

M em b ers of the International F ish e rm e n 's Club, No, 1, present at a recent m eeting.

Photograph by Putnam Studios


Fishers of Men

I T WAS in the comfortable living room of a mission home in Tient­ sin, China, that the host intro­ duced two American missionaries to each other.1They shook hands cordial­ ly, relief and restfulness on their faces. It was not as comfortable outside. The city, little aware that it was soon to witness one of the greatest floods in recent history, throbbed with life, but fear lUrked in the dark streets. It was early summer of ,1939, and Japanese troops controlled all of blockaded Tientsin except the Foreign Conces­ sion. Even in the Concessions there was an atmosphere of tense waiting, a dread of the day when the troops might cross the barriers. The two missionaries had passed the barrier to get into the British Conces­ sion: one from north China, one from far Manchuria. Both of them had seen something of early war days. But, as far as they knew, there the similarity of their experiences ended. Mirrored on the faces of the two men as they shook hands was the friendly interest of those meeting others of like faith and occupation in a foreign land. Then, suddenly, each saw the tiny blue and silver pin on the other’s lapel. Instantly their eyes brightened, their handclasps tightened. “Which Club?”’ one asked quickly. “Club No. 1, Los Angeles,” the other replied proudly. “ And you?” “Club 2, Long Beach,” he grinned. The bond had been discovered— they were both members of the Inter­ national Fishermen’s Club and though they had not previously met either in California or in China, they discovered mutual friends at once.

It is a far cry from that teeming Oriental city in 1939 to the city of Los Angeles, California, as it was on the evening of May 7, 19Ò6. About 6:30 that evening a group of seven young men met at the Immanuel Pres­ byterian Church, located then on -the corner of Tenth and Figueroa Streets. They had come for the purpose of organizing a Bible class under the leadership of Thomas C. 'Horton. They did not know, at that first meet­ ing, that they were beginning what was to become an international club, its membership reaching out to the far corners of the earth. With that simple beginning, the class was later organized into an interdenominational Bible study club for young men ahd was -ealled “The Fishermen’s Club.” Later its borders were enlarged, and it became “The International Fisher­ men’s Club.” The Fishermen’s salute, “Praise the Lord,” literally has sounded round the world and has cheered countless hearts. From Many Waters If the roll of members, past and present, could be called, the response would come from many fields. The following is only a partial and in­ adequate-listing of the results which God has wrought through this fellow­ ship. Twelve members are ministering in Africa: In imagination one sees the steaming tropics; the villages, semi­ circles of mud-brown huts, set into a background of palm 'trees, climbing vines and* tropical verdure; the peo­ ple gathering around to listen to the white missionary tell of the true God;

and then the rare cry, “Ngai andimi!” (I believe) that brings joy unspeak­ able to the heart of the one who had labored to bring the gospel to that portion of the field. Five Fishermen are preaching the Word in South America: Guatemala! Brazil! Venezuela! Hungry, needy souls have been won for the Lord through the ministry of those who have been content to become “Fishers of men.” Fishermen are located in the moun­ tain fastnesses of Mexico: Among the Indians, the darkness of whose dwell­ ings is only surpassed by the dark­ ness of their hearts, W. Cameron Townsend and other Fishermen seek to translate the languages of the many tribes, so that each may have the Word of God in his own tongue. From Hawaii, two members answer. Before the war with Japan began, the Club was represented in the Philip-, pine Islands by Samuel Fisk, by Harry Hill in Korea, by Rowland Davies in Manchuria, and by Timothy Pietsch in Japan. In Bangkok, Thailand, Albert Siegle and his family have witnessed. From the shambles that is now Shanghai, China, comes the voice of John Yong, a Fisherman, who con­ tinues his witness in spite of acute privations and extreme danger. A t Home In America, two Fishermen preach the “unsearchable riches” of the gos­ pel to the Navajo Indians in Arizona. A Fisherman is Chaplain in .

March 1943

War-Time Church Building for W ar Needs

By EARL KIRK W YM A N Santa Ana, California

leaders got their feet wet (Joshua 3). With full recognition of the unusual, problems that lay ahead, and trusting the Lord to undertake on their behalf, the committee unanimously decided to go forward. Those strongest in faith hardly could have anticipated the supernatural ways in which God was to take care of the problems. The incidents re­ counted are typical of many more. Months earlier, a local lodge relin-, quished its quarters arid offered its furnishings for sale. Calvary Church bought these at a “bargain” price, being particularly interested in seats, carpets, and drapes. Included In the lot of furnishings were several heat­ ing units of an excellent type. Now it is not usual to purchase heating equipment prior to the time when it is determined what type of building is to be constructed.' But these units have fitted the requirements perfectly. Moreover, it is now impossible to buy them at any price. And occupancy of the building would have been impossi­ ble without them. Calvary Church peo­ ple are confident that the Lord planned this.

The government imposed restrictions on building in order that there might be no scarcity of materials for the war effort, and in the church group there was no unwillingness to cooperate whole-heartedly in this, matter. „ On the other hand, the war gave to Calvary Church a new opportunity that emphasized the imminent need of a church home. The establishment of military bases in the Santa Ana district waS bringing thousands of service men into the community. There was much, prayer on the part of Calvary Church people. The oppor­ tunity of a lifetime was knocking at the door, and the limited use for which the rented quarters were avail­ able made it impossible to meet that opportunity adequately. Early Developments The building committee met on a certain night in April. One of the members brought a clipping from that evening’s newspaper reporting drastic new restrictions against building. The committee spent time in prayer. Some one recalled that the waters of Jordan were not parted until the

OU CAN’T build a church in times like these!” Calvary Church, Santa Ana, California, had met for ten years in rented quarters. Then in June, 1941, property was -purchased for a church home, and members thrilled at the prospect of occupying their own build­ ing. Presently a building committee was appointed and 'went to work. The group considered the church’s particu­ lar needs and drew up tentative plans. They also discussed suggestions for financing the project. Committees visited other churches and studied them for usable ideas. One such visit was made on Decem­ ber 7. On thè same day the Japanese visited Pearl Harbor with quite an­ other motive. After that, everything was different. It had been hòped that actual construction could be started in the spring, but now it appeared dpubtful whether the church congre­ gation could undertake any construc­ tion at all. Calvary Church, Santa .Ana, Calif. Photograph by Gibson-NaUlr


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

occupancy was possible when that amount had been spent. It is estimated that the building could have been completed for about eighty per cent of the original estimate. Because of the unusual conditions in both the labor and materials markets, it would not have been surprising if costs had ; exceeded estimates by a substantial amount. Volunteer labor and voluntary con­ cessions on the part of contractors and dealers account for part of the saving. “And a dollar goes a lot farther when the blessing of the Lord is upon it,” suggests one of the deacons. Miracles in Financing Calvary Church has a comparatively small membership with no people of wealth. Several months ago, the build­ ing committee named a sub-commit­ tee to confer with the bankers con­ cerning a loan just as soon as it could be determined how much money would have to be borrowed. That con­ ference has not taken place, and the sub-committee has been dismissed. No loan was needed! “I’ve looked over the congregation and tried to figure where this money could be coming from,” says Lyman A. Wendt, pastor (Biola ’34), “but my heart has been rebuked. I do not feel I should even wonder about it, but simply give our wonderful Lord the glory.” The congregation was kept informed as to the needs in carrying on the work, but no pressure was ever used to stimulate giving. On one Sunday morning the pastor announced that a thousand dollars was needed to meet bills coming due during the current week. It looked like a “big order.” Every one had already given to the limit, it appeared. At the Wednesday night prayer service, the pastor announced as a subject for praise that nine hundred and fifty-one dollars had already come in that week. As he proceeded with his announcements, a crumpled piece of paper was passed up from the rear of the room. It was a five- dollar bill. For two or three minutes those on the front seats were kept busy depositing bills and coins on the table before an astonished pastor who had not thought of asking,for money at a prayer service. When the meeting was dismissed, the thousand dollars were on hand together with an “over and above” amount characteristic of God’s blessings. When the building was nearing completion, there developed an ac­ cumulation of small bills at the same [ Continued on Page 118]

The Story of an Old House On the property owned by the church was a large house, old, unoc­ cupied for many years, but exception­ ally well built. It was considered an inconsequential part of the investmènt when the property was purchased, since the lots alone were concededlo be worth the amount of the purchase price. The committee spent many hours endeavoring to work out plans for utilizing ■the old house, but finally gave up the idea, agreeing that it would be best to tear the house down or move it off. A tentative deal was made to sell it, but the prospective purchaser was unable to get a permit for moving it, and the transaction fell through. Then the Lord sent an architect into the community who worked out a plan for incorporating the old house in a new building of unusually attractive design. The utilizing of this old build­ ing made it possible to proceed with construction work on a “remodeling” basis at a time when it probably would have been impossible to obtain a permit to proceed with a new build­ ing. “The Lord knew we were going to need that old house,” remarks a member of the committee. The Hand of God Upon the Work “It’s hard to get men and materials these days,” the foreman on the job reported to the chairman one day, “ and yet we haven’t lost an hour’s time waiting for either. It’s unbeliev­ able!” “The Lord is blessing this undertak­ ing,” the chairman pointed out. “That must be it. There isn’t any other answer,” the /foreman conceded. On another occasion, thè foreman in charge of the electrical wiring came to make a final check-up. He com­ mented, “You know, it has been rather remarkable that we have been able to go ahead and finish this job. Prac­ tically everything else is at a stand­ still. I have just exactly enough wire left to finish and then I’m through. And getting those ‘exit boxes’ was positively a miracle.” The man to whom he happened to be speaking promptly replied, “We believe that, too, and God has certain­ ly exhibited His power in the entire undertaking.” The total cost of the work under­ taken was estimated in advance at ten thousand dollars. The War Pro­ duction Board said, “You can spend five thousand dollars; then you must quit.” Although not completed, the build­ ing had progressed to the point where


"Our building program )ias stimu­ lated our people in a remarkable way/' declares Lyman A. Wendt, the energetic young pastor of Calvary Church. "We have added again and again to our missionary budget. "We have launched a ministry to service men. Santa Ana is now the home of a large Marine base, and Navy lighter-than-air base, as well as the huge replacement center. Our peo­ ple are becoming increasingly inter­ ested, evangelistically, in these men in uniform. “Every Saturday night we have a fellowship party in one wing of our new building, when a carefully plan­ ned program of a high spiritual type is offered. We have averaged fifty in' attendance—at least half of this num­ ber being service men. If they are free to do so, we take them to our homes to spend the night, and bring them to Sunday-school and church the next morning. At least seventy-five per cent of them attend services the next day. "Several remarkably spiritually minded young men, as a result of this activity with service men, have made 'Calvary' their church home. They have organized a gospel team and are booked for meetings weeks in ad­ vance. "In every sense of theword, our new building has contributed to new spir­ itual power."

* Graduate, Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Class of 193't.

March 1943

No man is a sinner because he is a skeptic or a critic; he is a skeptic or critic because he is a sinner. There is a skeleton in the closet somewhere. “THY heart is not right in the sight of God.” It is easy to say that some one else has sinned. It is not so difficult to say, “All have sinned.” But hardest of all is to say, “ I have sinned.” Heart Trouble Notice next, “Thy HEART is not right in the sight of God.” Simon’s trouble was heart trouble. It was not head trouble. He-was smart enough. We live in a land of collegers, but “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God’M l Cor. 2:14), and the only difference between an edu­ cated and an uneducated sinner is that the educated sinner uses longer words to expose his ignorahce of eter­ nal truths. They told us a few years ago that education would wipe out crime. Today we have schools on al­ most every other corner, but the peni­ tentiaries are filled with criminals, most of them of school age and many of them college trained. -The real trouble is heart trouble, and we have been treating the symptoms instead of the disease. “Thy HEART is not right in the sight of God.” Simon’s trouble was not financial; he had money, but what he needed was “without money and without price.” We have been told that an equal distribution of wealth would solve our ills. But if it were dis­ tributed^ equally, a few people would have most of it again by the end of the week. Peace and power from above cannot be purchased. “Thy HEART is not right in the sight of God.” Something must be done about that! Again, so far as I know, Simon was a moral man. Morality is good enough in its place,, but it will not take us to heaven. .You may be an honest, sin­ cere, upstanding, outstanding gentle­ man, but so was Nicodemus, and he needed to be born again. You may be “good-hearted” as men measure it, but is your heart right with God? And Simon had a reputation. People said, “This man is the great power of God.” Think of having that said about you, and yet, all the while, your heart is not right with God! Our Lord told us that men would prophesy and cast out devils and do wonderful works in His name, and yet would hear Him say, “Depart,” “I never knew you” (Matt. 7:23). Mind you, people did not rate Simon a bad man, but exactly the contrary; they thought he had the power of God. We are dealing with no small fry here. This man had a name all

Making It Personal Observe, first, how personal this is: “THY heart is not right in the sight of God.” Everywhere I go, I find sinners criticizing the Bible and preachers, churches and Christians and spiritual things in general. I never waste time ■ answering their charges, for that is not their real trouble; those charges are only alibis, smoke screens to hide their true condition. Ever since Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the ser­ pent, man has been “passing the buck,” seeing the mote and forgetting the beam. Some time ago a man came out of one of Europe’s great art galleries. As he passed the door, he said contemptu­ ously, “There’s nothing in there worth looking at.” The old doorkeeper replied very politely, “If you please, sir, the pic­ tures are no longer on trial, but the spectators are!” So when men revile the things of God, they only show up themselves. If a street urchin went to hear Fritz Kreisler and came out complaining, that would be no reflection on Kreis- ler. The trouble with the critic of the gospel is in himself: “THY heart is not right in the sight of God.” * If you are trying to justify yourself by condemning the preachers, you only expose your own sinful heart. Hypocrites in the church? Of course there are. One doesn’t have to be a pastor for a week before he discovers that. But why pick out the poorest specimen in the church to hide behind, and even then he is bigger than your­ self or else you couldn’t hide behind him! The man who knows how to run a church is always the fellow who never tried it. For one man digging potatoes, there have always been a dozen sitting bn the fence telling how to dig potatoes. It would be amusing if it were not so pitiful, when earnest Christians are denying themselves laboring in the midst of sin and when missionaries are living from hand to mouth and preachers are struggling on pitiful sal­ aries giving out the gospel, to watch some armchair philosopher, who never cared whether the world went to hell or not, complaining about hypocrites in the church while he goes on to hell to live with hypocrites forever. , Ah, friend, if you are in the seat of the scornful, the trouble is YOU. “THY heart is not right in the sight of God,” and you had better learn to sing with the colored folk, “Not the preacher nor the deacon but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer.”

THY HEART IN THE SIGHT OF GOD [Continued from Page 85] have some bugs. Shall we put out the light? No, swat the bug and let the light shine! Under the preaching of Philip, the Samaritans turned to the gospel, and Simon the sorcerer went along with them. He had no saving faith; he was an opportunist and decided he had better ride the bandwagon while it went by. You will observe that even Philip had false converts. That was no fault of his. He could not read Si­ mon’s heart; so he baptized him along with the rest. One morning Sam Jones met a drunkard who had been attending his meetings. v “Mr. Jones,” said the derelict, “I’m one of your converts;” “ You must be one of mine,” said Sam, “ for I see that you’re hone of God’s.” But Peter and John came down to Samaria, and Simon Peter met Simon the sorcerer who wanted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit for his own selfish use. He is not alone in this matter. There are thousands today who would like to secure the blessings of God on their own terms. If salva­ tion could be bought for a hundred dollars,' practically everybody would get it. But it is free; so most people go to hell. Likewise the power of God’s Spirit cannot be p u r c h a s e d ; it is neither earned nor learned. Unless we come repentantly and humbly to Calvary for salvation and to Pentecost for the Spirit’s empowering, we have neither part nor lqt in this matter. Spiritual power cannot be secured on our terms; it is the gift of God on His terms. Nor is it reached merely by hours of ago­ nizing. The filling of the Spirit is the privilege of every believer; he is al­ ready indwelt by the Spirit and may be filled as he yields himself to God. So Simon the apostle looked at Simon the sorcerer, and by th'e Holy Spirit he analyzed his case and diag­ nosed his condition and prescribed treatment in no uncertain terms. For, although Simon was a professing Christian and baptized, he was just a crooked imposter, still in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity. And the whole trouble is summed up in our text: “Thy heart is not right in the-jsight of God.” Perhaps it will lend force to this terrific pronouncement to emphasize certain words in it: “THY heart is not right in the sight o f , God ” ; “Thy HEART is not right in the sight of God” ; “Thy heart IS NOT RIGHT irt the sight of God” ; , “Thy heart is not right IN THE SIGHT OF GOD.”

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