King's business - 1943-03

March 1943


FISHERS OF MEH [ Continued'from Page 88]

TWO NEW BOOKS BY DAN GILBERT WHAT REALLY WENT WRONG AT PEARL HARBOR?’ Ill Contains these chapters: The Japs’ Secret Weapon; How the Devil Helped the Japs; Why Were We Caught by “Surprise” at Pearl Harbor?; Who Sabo­ taged America’s Defenses? * Contains these chapters: Hell Over Hollywood; The Devil’s Playground; The Devil’s Work­ shop; The Hollywood Highway to Hell; Movleland’s Madhouse; Hollywood’s War Against Christian Americanism. Secure and Circulate these Awakening Books WHAT REALLY WENT WRONG AT PEARL HARBOR?. HELL OYER HOLLYWOOD — THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MOVIES 25c each— -plus 3c fo r postage THE DANIELLE PUBLISHERS 4766 Norma Drive San Diego, Calif. “HELL OVER HOLLYWOOD— The Truth About the Movies“

Prison. Fisherman William Graves travels the by-ways of the country preaching Christ; while Mark Good- ger, the Highway Evangelist,, reports souls won in his trips by bicycle across the United States. Samuel M. Polin, saved at the age of. twelve as a Jewish lad in Russia, is a Fisherman to the Jews. Recently he reported 3,000 miles traveled in nineteen days, 2,000 Gospels- of John distributed, 40,000 tracts and pinety New Testaments given out, and forty; five souls brought to Christ. Max Zimmerihann, an energetic Fisherman, writes of his work in the Immanuel Mission to Shut-ins: “We have found that many go to hospitals suffering from cancer or other incur­ able maladies, to find while there that they also have the cancer of sin in their souls. That is why this type of personal work is so very fruitful— man’s extremity is often God’s oppor­ tunity. Other Fishermen have charge of work among sailors; some conduct street' meetings; one brings the gos­ pel through illustrated nymn stories. There are pastors and laymen “fish­ ing” in various places. The roll call could go on and on. At best it would be incomplete. There are men to whom the Lord has opened a wide ministry, who began to serve Christ as obscure Fishermen in one or another of the Clubs: Percy Craw­ ford, Tom Olson, Dawson Trotman, Ifwin Moon, Van V. Eddings, and many others. There are men whose influence has not extended to a large circle, whose names-are little known, but whose faithfulness in witnessing for Christ will bring unending results. H. H. Janetzki,' Teacher of I. F. C. Club No. 1, continually stresses the need

Here’s just what you need for your 1943DallyVacation. Bible School (of course, you will have one this year). A planned program ready to use, yet flexible enough to permit changes to incorporate your own ideas. Mail the coupon today for .FREE prospectus--and sample lessons showing how completely the SUPERIOR SUMMER SCHOOL SERIES is a blessing to untrained teachers,awelcomeaidto the trained.Not adullmoment.

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Offers the opportunity of a lifetime to reach the boys’ and girls of your community, and particularly during the summer of 1943 when conditionswill be different from any preceding summer.Vacationswill be limited by gasoline and travel restrictions. All thismeans moreavailable boysandgirlseagerfor teachingfromtheWord of God, Practical—All Bible—Economical—For All Departments This fastest growing Series helps you meet the challenge of war needs. All new material earn year thru four successful years. Every lesson centered in the Bible. A designed program for Beginners, Primary, Junior and Intermediates. TeachersMan­ uals (25c) with oudines, plans and lessons, and fascinating expressional manuals for pupils (only 12c), all produced by DVBS experts under direct supervision of Editor-in-Chief Clarence H. Benson. A 37% increase in 1942 over 19411—Write and discover the reason. MAIL COUPON FOR THE SCRIPTURE PRESS, 800 N. Clark S t., Chicago, III. Dept. KB-33 Pleasesendme FREEProspectus and SampleLessons of the “SUPERIOR** SUMMER SCHOOL SERIES for Daily Vacation Bible School. Name ____________ !____ ;______ __ ____________ ■. A ddress _

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