King's business - 1943-03



TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

This Issue

WAR -T IME PRAYER [A Christian woman in England wrote that the following anonymous poem is being widely circulated in Britain, and is being offered as the heartfelt, per­ sonal plea of many individuals there,]' O God of love. Thine eyes look down On blood-stained field and shattered town; The widow's tears, the orphan's cry. The wounded soldier's agony Are known to Thee. Thy children's woes Are not forgot:’their Father knows. Great Judge of all, defend the right. Cause right to triumph by Thy might. OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS WE DARE NOT PLEAD; Yet save us in our utmost need. OUR SINS ARE MANY IN THY SIGHT. FORGIVE US, and defend the right. Jehovah God, Thy promise stands, Whate'er the fate of kings or lands. Before the dawn the night grows dark. Awake Thy church on earth to mark. Mid lust and hate, mid fires and sword. The nearness of her coming Lord.

THE PICTURE on the cover of this Soul-Winners’ Number, a scene in Devonshire, England, directs attention to Great Britain, with a view to stimulating prayer on her behalf and praise to God for what His grace has wrought. It is impossible to put into few words a'description of the work of Scripture distribution (to mention just one phase of spiritual ministry) that has been carried on in that country. Baffled at the very thought of doing so, Eric M. North, the able General Secretary of the American Bible Society, exclaimed:

“In what compass could facts concerning Britain’s part in Scripture distribution be put when the English Bible from Wycliffe to the Revision of 1881-1885 is due to Great Britain, and when the Brit- 5 ish Society has been at work since 1804 and has car- ! ried on work in nearly 100 countries to the, extent recently of ten or eleven , million Bibles, Testa­ ments, and Gospels a. year in some hundreds of languages!”

Some of the greatest preachers and soul-winners of all time have come from Great Britain. In gratitude to God for these and all others who are “ gifts to the church,” let us pray for His gracious ministry in purifying, strengthening, and increasingly using all those who honor His name.

Next Issue-“ Easter

EASTER Is April 25. In plenty of time for meditation and for use in Easter programs, the following and other special features will be published in the next issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS: GOLD STAR THIS EASTER —a group of Easter poems by the beloved Writer, Helen- Frazee-Bower. Many readers thanked God for Mrs. Bower’s Christmas pantomime, “Home at Christmas.” Her Easter meditations are similarly Christ-centered and beautiful. “JESUS DOETH ALL THINGS WELL"— the radiant testi- mony of a widow, Mrs. Hugh B. Evans, Jr., whose only son was killed ,recently while serving as an • airplane pilot instructor. Here is a message of unusual tenderness and power.

THIS ONE THING THIS EASTER— answers, .given by out- Standing ministers, to the question: “What ONE thing will you stress in your sermons this Easter; and why?” THE WORD OF GOD "HAPPENING" IN HOLLAND (And Elsewhere in Europe)—a heartening message by John A. Patten. WHY THEY CAME— a missionary story with an Easter setting for boys and girls, by Elizabeth Rusling Sedat. * DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOH —helpful answers to puzzling questions. Why not send THE KING’S BUSINESS to some one, beginning with the Easter number?

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