King's business - 1943-03

BOB JONES COLLEGE OFFERS VOICE, PIANO. VIOLIN, PIPE ORGAN, SPEECH, AND ART WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST ABOVE REGULAR ACADEMIC TUITION. Young men and women may prepare for professional, teaching, or radio careers in music or speech. Bob Jones College also offers young men and women an unusual opportunity to prepare for part time or full time Christian service in the ministry of music and speech.

If you can attend college for only one or two years before entering the service of your country, we strongly advise your coming to Bob Jones College for this year or two of character preparation and intellectual and spiritual training so essential now.

If you are still in high school we advise you to come to the Bob Jones College Academy (a four- year, fully accredited high school) for educational and Christian training before you enter upon your military service.

Bob Jones College offers a wide variety of courses leading to Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees, and in the Graduate School of Religion courses leading to the Master of Arts degree. Beginning with the school year 1943-44, courses leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree will also be offered in the field of religion. Bob Jones College has high scholastic standards. It also stands without apology for the "old-time religion" and for the absolute authority of the Bible.


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