Biola Broadcaster - 1973-01

16 Biola Hour Christmas Messages MESSAGES FOR A Saviour

us from our bondage to darkness. At Christ's birth there appeared the star in the east. The heavens were radiant with glory. At His death, however, there was a veil of darkness cast over nature's shin­ ing sun. It has been well said that the whole Gospel centers around the cradle and the cross of Jesus Christ. Prophetic utterances about Bethlehem tell us just who it was that was born in that little village on that memorable night (Micah 5:2). In Isaiah 9:6 we find some fas­ cinating titles being given to Him. First of all, He is called "God." This word invests Him with divinity and deity. He is the mighty God which proclaims His omnipotence. Consider this Child as "the ever­ lasting Father." He was and is co­ equal, co-existent and co-eternal with God Himself. He is the self- existent One. The good news of the Gospel is that God has stepped into man's life to do something about his un­ fortunate, sinful condition. He has achieved for us that which we

By DR. LLOYD T. ANDERSON As we consider the rapturous singing of the angels at the birth of Christ, we can understand their overwhelming joy considering the fact that God had provided a Sav­ iour for all mankind. With longing eyes, men—across the centuries of human time — had scanned the horizons in search of just such an individual. Here was God's free gift to those who had been in bondage to Satan. Albert Einstein, genius in the field of mathemat­ ics, pointed out these interesting words, "The true problem lies in the heart of man. It does not speak of a physical problem but of a mor­ al problem. It is easier to modify the hardest composition of plu­ tonium than the evil in the heart of man. It is not the powerful ex­ plosion of the atom bomb that frightens me but the hateful power of the human heart and its explo­ sive power in favor of evil." Cer­ tainly man can be appalling in his desperation and sin. What we have so urgently needed since the first sin in Eden is One who can deliver

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