Biola Broadcaster - 1973-01

to read, study, and enjoy. CHRISTMAS

understand. I could be of inestim­ able service," he reasoned. As the realization pierced his own soul, he longed to become an ant so that he might help them. Then it dawned on him that God had be­ come a Man through Jesus Christ so that He could save us from our sins. What tremendous identifica­ tion this gives us for our own souls. In taking on Himself a human form, Jesus revealed a character which is effectually to conquer the blight of Satan's curse. No one can ever indulge jealousy without spreading discontent and dissatis­ faction. This is exactly what hap­ pened in heaven as Lucifer, the son of morning, became so engrossed with his mad craze to exalt him­ self (Isaiah 14:12-14). Through the righteousness of the Lord coming into the world, we can become recipients of everlasting life. Un­ fortunately, the righteousness of Christ is to many a garment which is unworn. As such they are unfit themselves for heaven. Many mil­ lions of people are still in their own unrighteousness, having nev- Page 25

could not possibly do for ourselves. The urgency of man's need for a Saviour met a wonderful response from the heart of God. The prob­ lem of our sin was all solved at the cross of Jesus. The very King of creation became that Babe in Bethlehem, linking Himself to hu­ manity by ties that are never to be broken. The good news is that He was made flesh and dwelt among us. Have you ever wondered why God became a man? Read Hebrews 10:5-7. The incarnation of the Lord in human nature was not without purpose. It was not aimless and without significance whatsoever. An atheist who had scoffed at the idea of God becoming man got interested in a nest of ants. He watched these little creatures in­ tently as they carried on their ob­ viously arduous tasks. He saw their sufferings, confusion, repeated in­ juries and even death. He thought, "If only it were possible for me to retain my knowledge and abilities and yet somehow convey to these ants in some manner they could

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