Biola Broadcaster - 1973-01

er let Jesus Christ come into their hearts and lives. Through Bethle­ hem Jesus has made unto us wis­ dom and righteousness and sancti­ fication and redemption and "that according as it is written he that glorieth let him glory in the Lord" (I Corinthians 1:30-31). What a tremendous truth concerning the Goming of Jesus Christ into the world. You and I, in believing and receiving Him, believe and receive One who is God incarnate in hu­ man flesh. Dr. Anderson is Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church of West Covina, California. Pardon In Life By ANDREW AQUISTAPACE Have you seen any of the pres­ sure signs of the so-called "Christ­ mas rush"? Hard work, stores crowded, post offices overflowing with mail, transportation media carrying record crowds, to name but a few! To the Christian, this season holds a special meaning. First of all, Christmas means par­ don in life. Jesus' mission in life was to meet man's greatest need. He was far more than a good man and an outstanding example. Luke reminds us, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." What is man's basic problem? Psychology calls it irratic behavior. Philosophy labels it irrational think­ ing. History speaks of it as class struggle. Sociology terms it cul­ tural lack. The Bible, however, rightly defines it as sin. This is the most corrosive influence in life. It

alienates men from God as well as from one another. It produces an­ xiety, guilt, fear and frustration. It brings prejudice, hatred, violence and war. It blinds men to the truth about the Lord. It finally culmin­ ates in physical death and eternal separation from God. The mission our Saviour came to fulfill required His death on Calvary. Christmas decidedly points to the cross. As the Apostle Paul reminds us, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief"( I Tim­ othy 1:15). One Christian writer has said, "There is never a guilty conscience which that Name will not relieve; never a temptation which that Name will not help you overcome; never a joy which that Name will not make sweeter; nev­ er a sorrow which that Name will not heal; and never a fear which that Name will not dispell." Christmas also means presence in life. Have you ever considered the fact that the world in which we live is lost in loneliness and despair? Paul refers rightly to those who have no hope and are with­ out God in the world (Ephesians 2:12). Without Christ life lacks the vitality it can and should have. Several years ago the editors of a leading magazine offered the bleakest of greetings to their read­ ers, "From most of us to some of you, a very, very alienated Christ­ mas, a disenchanted New Year, some degree, if you insist, of peace on earth, and whatever you may find to your advantage in good­ will toward men." Jesus came that you and I might never have to walk life's pathway alone. He prom­ ised, "l will never leave thee nor forsake thee." He did not promise immunity from the trials and trag-

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