Biola Broadcaster - 1973-01

influenced by the "playboy" phi­ losophy, live solely for pleasure. Paul's testimony simply stated, "For to me to live is Christ" (Philip- pians 1:21). Many people wonder if there is life after death. Perhaps a more appropriate question would be, "Is there a life after birth? Is there any real purposeful, lasting mean­ ing to life here and now? The Bible emphatically declares that there is. It may be found only in a proper relationship to Jesus Christ. He alone affords me stability, a point of reference and a reason for living. May I challenge you to commit your life to Christ? No goals for living rise higher than His. If the Gospel be true, and we believe that it is; if Christ be the Son, and He claims to be; if man has an eternal soul, and the Bible teaches that he does; then it is imperative that I commit my life to Jesus Christ if I am to experience life at its best. Rev. Aquistapace is Pastor of Cam­ pus Baptist Church of Fresno, Calif. come to Christ as Saviour, this season means now all the fulfill­ ment of my hopes and well-known prophecies learned from the Old Testament. It was to Israel that the Messianic promises were made (Romans 9:4). Consider that promise in Gene­ sis 3:15 relative to Eve and the ser­ pent. This is the first indication of the coming Redeemer. There was Page 27

edies of life but He did promise to be with us, strengthening our lives amid them. To live your life without Cod is like attempting to take heat out of fire, melody out of music, numbers out of arithme­ tic, facts out of history, words out of vocabulary, color out of the rain­ bow. It is an exercise in futility. We can only be complete in Christ (Colossians2:10). That word "com­ plete" is interesting since it pictures a ship fully rigged, adequately equipped for a voyage. No man is equipped for life and all of its experiences without Christ, with­ out the Lord Jesus Christ at the very center. Christmas also means purpose in life. A man worships that which he considers worthwhile and im­ portant. True worship always con­ tains the element of giving. There are many causes today to which people give themselves. Some live for wealth with money as their goal. Others live for fame, seeking to make a name for themselves. Some live for knowledge, endur­ ing years of sacrifice and hard work to achieve their desires. Others,

Assurance of a Covenant By DR. CHARLES FEINBERG

Having been born in Orthodox Judaism, mentioning the name of our Lord Jesus Christ was not even permitted under any circumstances. For this reason, we had attached no meaning to Christmas. At this season most Jews will go on indif­ ferently, unbelievingly, taking no part in recognizing and honoring the Messiah. Having subsequently

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