Biola Broadcaster - 1973-01

drunkenness, shame and disgrace. All of this is called by the world as "celebrating Christmas." Having been reared in awonder­ ful Christian home, I have precious memories of this season with its Christian festivities, worshipful mu­ sic, abundance of good food and fellowship. What Christmas really means to me is summed up in I Timothy 3:16, "And without con­ troversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gen­ tiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." Christmas is basically the manifestation of God. The greatest event ever to take place on this earth was when God became incarnate. Babies make a difference. No home remains the same when a child is brought into it. Although utterly helpless, the baby rules the home. The greatest Man who was ever known on this earth was once a baby. A baby makes the home happier, makes love stronger, makes patience greater, makes hands busier. A baby makes nights longer and days shorter. A baby makes the purse lighter and the clothes look a bit shabbier. Babies are the rivets in the bonds of mat­ rimony. Almost two millenniums ago, the greatest baby ever born came to this earth. His birth in­ volved the primary miracle of all times. He was God incarnate. Christmas means that God came from heaven above to this planet earth, revealing Himself to His creatures in a vital manner. The Creator came to His creatures. When you minimize God you have ruined faith. If we would bring spiritual power into our lives

we must begin to think of God as He is. Perhaps the greatest obliga­ tion of the Christian church today is that of purifying and elevating the concept of God. First of all, God revealed life (I John 1:1, 2). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." There are many people who are tired of living largely be­ cause they have never discovered life. Life in the Bible speaks of a relationship with God. In man's fall through sin that relationship was severed. Because God is Spir­ it, man must be born spiritually through what the Bible knows as the new birth. His gift to us is eter­ nal life. Many who die physically are alive spiritually forever through faith in Him. Yet, unfortunately, many who are alive physically are dead spiritually. Living in con­ sciousness of the presence of God provides the greatest source of strength and encouragement. In I John 3:5 we read, "And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin." Christ was manifested in our behalf. He came to take away our sins. God revealed His grace when He chose to come that first Christmas. He did not leave heav­ en because He had to. His glory was laid aside not because of per­ sonal benefit. The grace of God combines justice and love. Sin must be punished for without the shed­ ding of blood there is no remis­ sion. No angel in heaven's host above and no human flesh ever could meet that need. It took God Himself to do it. What God's jus­ tice demanded, God's love pro­ vided. The love of God is not known

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