Biola Broadcaster - 1973-01

power, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men. He voluntarily humbled Himself, ac­ tually dying a criminal's death on the cross. Because of this God raised Him to the heights of heav­ en and gave Him a name which is above every name. This is the highest example of humility. Re­ member Scripture says, "God re- sisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble." Considering this we can say with Paul, "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift" (I Corinthians 9:15). This is the gift of the Lord Jesus. Our salvation is great but it is much greater now than when we first believed. There are many other wonderful spiritual qualities or virtues that are ours in Christ. Christmas is Jesus, not gifts nor dazzling sights. Christmas is Jesus, not trees with colored lights. Christmas is Jesus, the day is His alone; And Jesus is Christmas, oh, let it be known. Christmas is Jesus, a cradle then a tree. Christmas is Jesus, He came for you and me. Christmas is Jesus, this truth our carols bring; And Jesus is Christmas, let this truth ere ring! My prayer is that the Christ of Christmas may richly bless each of you throughout this blessed holi­ day season. Rev. Stone is Pastor of Evangelical Free Church, Walnut Creek, Calif.


My Christmas joy was almost ruined one time when I was told that all the customs of the season were pagan in their origin. I de­ cided to check into this further, tracing ancient customs. I started by investigating the day. Is the 25th of December the right occasion? Of course, no one really knows. Biblical chronologists have disa­ greed on this subject through the years. Some places it is on Janu­ ary 6th, March 25th and 28th, April 19th, May 20th and even Novem­ ber 17th. There is really no end to the ideas proposed among schol­ ars. As early as 354 A.D. this day was used by the Latins as a feast celebrating the birthday of Christ. In the fifth century the Roman church decreed that the feast should be celebrated on this day because it was the time already used by the ancient sun worship­ pers. It was likewise the close of the season of remembering the god, Saturn. Freedom and equality supposedly prevailed. Violence and oppression were supposed to be unknown. Today, the time has generally been accepted the world over. But, is the birth of Christ an event important enough to be cel­ ebrated? If it is, what other day should we use to commemorate the occasion. This is certainly as acceptable a time as any. The im­ portant thing is that He was born. The eternal, omnipotent Son of Cod became a man, taking upon Himself human flesh so that He might die for our sins. Whatever^ day is chosen, let us make it His day.

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