Biola Broadcaster - 1973-01

Shineth... with me on the bus the next Mon­ day morning. I cannot tell you my youthful shock when I got on board to really see her for the first time. My earlier impressions gained in darkness were not borne out in reality. Whether it is physical or mental darkness, the false sense of secur­ ity it gives to an individual is de­ ceptive and can be very damaging. Proverbs wisely states, "There is a way which seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (14:12). So many times we say it seems so right but it turns out to be wrong. Paul urges us to live correctly pointing that we have in the past, without Christ, lived in darkness and deception


(II Corinthians 4:2). We have de­ ceived ourselves into thinking that Cod cannot see our actions and therefore that He will not judge the things we have done. Too often we walk in craftiness. This conveys the idea of doing anything we want to do. It signifies an undisciplined life as we go about serving our own interests. It is unfortunate that some people use the Word of Cod to get their own way rather than allowing the Word to work in their lives. Christ is the light. He came to earth to dispell not only the dark­ ness that would deceive us but also to dispell the darkness that brings despair. In this way we can gain a proper perspective for life, Page 5

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