Ryde Newsletter - Oct 2023

Redevelopment at Ryde

As you know demolition of the Chattery, Building 11 and CAReS buildings h as started to create space for the new hospital buildings. Thank you for your patience and under- standing as we complete these essential works. We are pleased to advise that the second planning applica- tion has been lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment. This means the plans for the detailed design, m ain demolition works, additional car parking and main con- struction works are on public exhibition, providing the oppor- tunity for feedback until Wednesday 25 October, 2023. View the plans and have your say here.

Grannie Smith Festival The annual Granny Smith Festival was held on Saturday 21st October 2023. Ryde Hospital and the Redevelopment had a joint stall to promote Ryde Hospital. Overall, we had over 250 people stop by at our stall, gained 28 new subscribers to receive our newsletter and 9 young people participate in the giveaway. The winner guessed 369 lollies so we will be in touch next week to provide their prize of a private tour of Ryde Hospital. A huge thank you to all of the staff who gave up their time to participate, special shout out to Net- tie Vogel and Jarinya Soieprasounk who ’ s Man- darin speaking skills were greatly appreciated.


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