• In collaboration with faculty leads, project leads and team members, to ensure that space plans, data analysis, projects and Campus planning/mapping assurances and controls are achieved and developed. These are likely to include, but not limited to: • Gathering, systematising and analysing key estates data to assist in space and placemaking planning as a key part of delivering the Estates Strategy • Developing and implementing sound Project Brief/Client Requirement tools, including modelling an innovative, fit for purpose approach to stakeholder approvals • Ensuring emergent projects are well-led, collaborative and managed through a ‘single point of entry’ system. • Ensuring that planning is well supported, collaborative and capable of achieving the step change required to delivered the Estates and Sustainability Strategies • Developing strong relationships and clarity of objectives with Campus Development teams, FM / Campus Operational and Business Management & Systems teams • Focusing on delivering high quality Key Performance Indicators • Establishing collaboration as a key tool for change and improvement • Interfacing with key third parties and senior stakeholders to ensure buy-in to Campus planning goals (the whole being greater than the sum of the parts) • Identifying and presentating options to the Leadership Team and significant University level Boards and bodies (e.g. Capital Portfolio Board, Finance & Infrastructure Committee and Board of Trustees) in connection with both short and longer-term space plans, capital Investments and funding, offering accurate technical advice to those bodies to inform business planning and decision-making at all levels. • Ensure compliance with all relevant legislation (e.g. planning, contract, commissioning, procurement, tertiary education, economic development etc) in developing and delivering the agreed Plans. Customer Services & Support • Support the Director of Campus Development, CDLG and other Senior Managers in managing the demands and expectations of stakeholders at all levels and across all parts of the University. • Ensure that the Faculties receive excellent customer service from Campus Development and wider Campus Division, and that effective measures are in place to record and monitor this. •Support and enhance a teams within teams approach to ensure a unified Campus Development/ Campus Division. Planning & Organising • Lead on establishing University-wide (education, faculty and professional services) space planning • Lead on the development of estates data collection, systematisation and analysis that can inform both short and longer-term space and placemaking planning • Lead on the development of an approved Master Plan (Framework), to inform future investment planning and the evolving Neighbourhood and Local Plans. • Lead on the development of 5-15 year plan to underpin the University’s capital investment plans (and the revenue investment required to underpin those capital investment plans). • Lead the development of a new Campus Planning function; with a focus on a forward plan/strategy which combines 1. The formation of Campus Master Plans, 2. The viability/deliverability of early stage emergent projects, 3. The maintenance of Total Capital Planning information, data, tools and systems 4. The reinforcement of ‘one plan’ through an integrated planning process across Campus/ the University. • Lead on integrated Campus planning and delivery on behalf of the Leadership Team
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