Horace J. Knowles: Beyond Fairyland

196. Pistol - Henry V 1902. Original pen and ink drawing on paper of Pistol from Shakespeare’s Henry V. 24cm x 15cm. Signed by Knowles, with his name and address to rear. In very good condition. [40305] 197. Nic Bottom - A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1903. Original pen and ink drawing on board of Nic Bottom from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 24cm x 21cm. Signed by Knowles. In very good condition, a little spot- ted. [40306] 198. Stephano - The Tempest 1904. Original pencil drawing on paper of Stephano from The Tempest. 28cm x 18cm. Signed by Knowles. In very good con- dition. [40307] King Alonso’s boisterous butler is here portrayed in typical form; staggering and clutching a flagon of drink.


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